10 Keys to Efficient Driving

Many people want to know what is The best way to improve efficiency. The fact is, with Fuel prices rise Many drivers want it Consume less and spend lessbut efficient driving can also bring other benefits to your vehicle, such as avoid failures.

There are many types of driving licenses

In Spain when we talk about a driving license we usually mean Permit B, Allows you to drive a car (its maximum authorized quality Not exceeding 3,500 kg and? No more than 9 seats depends on the driver). However, as you know, there are many other types of driver’s licenses you can obtain throughout your life. Here we leave you with a few:

Tips for saving gas

With fuel prices on the rise, you may be looking for something that Save some fuel money.A great tip is Come on early this weeksince adding gasoline Monday morning usually Cheaper than any other time of the week.

On the other hand, attention is also important Your car’s tire pressurebecause if they’re a little discouraged, they might slow down your carbesides being a very dangerous situation, you can out of control and have a ACCIDENT When you drive.

With fuel prices on the rise, it’s normal to look for tips on how to save money

10 Keys to Efficient Driving

according to Digital GTsmart and responsible driving brings huge benefits: more safety and comfort in the car while driving, Reduce wear and save on machinery maintenance costs.here has 10 keys to efficient driving:

  1. Do not speed up when leaving: Press the accelerator when starting useless and consume fuel.
  2. First, leave: you must shift gears Once you have traveled approximately 5 metres.
  3. expected changes: In the motor gasolineswitch between 1,500-2,500 rpm; inside diesel engine, exist. .between 1,300-2,000.
  4. long march: use Low speed long gear as much time as possible.
  5. Constant speed: Do not accelerate or brake unnecessarily.
  6. medium speed And don’t abuse it.
  7. expected and forecast:maintain safe distance Anticipating unforeseen events also makes our driving more efficient.
  8. use brake engine.
  9. earrings: inside rise It is recommended to delay downshifting and accelerate slightly.inside bloodline High gear cycle and inertial rolling are more efficient.
  10. check your tire: Sufficient pressure will avoid wasting more fuel.

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