220 flamingos have died from bird flu in Catamarca | Confirmed by Biodiversity Council

In view of the confirmed positive cases of avian influenza in one of the three species of flamingos in Lagunas Alto Andinas and Punenillas in the province of Catamarca, the Provincial Biodiversity Agency confirmed that 220 dead specimens have been collected. This is called parina chica (Zhan’s red-tailed phoenix), the province has therefore been under epidemiological surveillance since early November.

In conversation Catamarca 12Director of the Provincial Department of Biological Diversity Anabella Ahumada “Park rangers from the Provincial Directorate of Biodiversity and Natural Reserves discovered Parina through patrols of Laguna Grande and Laguna Diamante near the El Penon district of the department,” he said. Circumstances of Schikas’ death. Antofagasta de la Sierra. The Ministry of Environment launched a protocol against avian influenza and the organization’s inspectors, together with park rangers and veterinarians from SENASA, visited the above-mentioned water bodies. SENASA professionals collected oropharyngeal and cloacal samples from the deceased and sent them to the national laboratory. The results confirmed that three of the six cloacal samples were positive for avian influenza (AI) H5. “

Catamarca: Avian influenza cases detected in flamingos

Catamarca set up once bird flu samples confirmed Provincial Animal Health Committee (COPROSA), a group of different national and provincial organizations and professional associations responsible for coordinating health prevention and control actions. In this context, recommendations for active monitoring aimed at tourists, residents, scientific researchers and in the environment of the Andean highlands were agreed.

“We observed one of the most important Chicana concentrations in Laguna Grande, accounting for eighty percent of the total population arriving in our province. Faced with this situation, the Ministry of Environment raked the lagoon in question .So far there have been220 dead individuals of this species were exported” the official confirmed.

“Let us remember that these birds are migratory and they are the natural hosts of the virus and the main factor in its spread. This is a highly contagious disease for wild, production, free-range and backyard birds. In some mammals, this possibility is low. It should be noted that the risk of transmission to humans is extremely low and can only occur through direct contact with infected organisms. It is therefore important that people take precautions and not come into contact with sick or dead birds without adequate protection,” he concluded.

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