3 movies to watch with family or friends

Today, Easter Day, is spent in the family, although the famous saying saysChristmas with yours, Easter with whoever you want. Between hard-boiled eggs and chocolate eggs, many have already organized themselves for the next day, that is Easter Mondaywhich is spent with friends, generally having a barbecue all together.

Sometimes, however, this is not possible due to the cold or rain, so what to do in the case of an Easter Monday at home? See a film that keeps the Easter spirit aliveobvious!

So here it is three movies to see in company (but also alone) on Easter Monday!

1. The 5 legends

Let’s start with a light film for the whole family: Rise of the Guardians tells of the adventures of various characters from festivals and folklore from various countries, such as the Sandman (the man of sand who, according to Anglo-Saxon culture, blows sand onto the sleeper’s face to make him dream) or the Tooth Fairy, always from the same culture, which replaces our tooth mouse. Along with these there is also the Easter bunnywith the function of hiding colored eggs for children.

2. Noah

Now let’s move on to a more adult and biblical film: Noah Of Darren Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream), with Russell Crowe (Gladiator) as Noah, Jennifer Connely (A beautiful Mind) and Emma Watson (Harry Potter). The film tells the story of the ark that we all know, but the visionary director’s touch can be seen in the particular scenography and in the twists and turns typical of his films. What better film to see during Easter Monday for symbolize rebirth?

Noah Easter Monday

3. Passion

Finally, we conclude this list with Christ’s passionThe controversial Mel Gibson movie. The famous movie actor like Signs And Brave heartafter abandoning his acting career he turned to directing, aiming for historical reconstruction “as” accurate as possible in his films, so much so that the protagonists speak in the original language of the populations he brought to the big screen. An example is the movie Apocalyptowhere he makes the actors who play the Mayans speak in their native language.

The same happened for Christ’s passionbut the director here does not limit himself to the language to underline the realism of his film, but shows all the terrible things that Christ had to endure before and during the crucifixion… It’s not a film for people with a weak stomach.

Easter Passion

The editorial staff of Hynerd wishes you one Happy Easter and Happy Holidays!

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