30 phrases in JAME that a Parisian should say!

Bring OM! Bonjour! Chatelet, Grève de Metro, Anne Hidalgo… in JAME there are so many phrases (or many clés) that can be said to a Parisian!

Laura Call

Laura Coll – editor and chef at Paris Secret

Legend has it that (presque) all Parisians type la gueule! In general, tourists from the French side have excellent travel etiquette. However, these phrases in the language of JAMAIS (Ô grand jamais) tell the Parisian au risque de l’énerver? These are our awards, which must be accepted with humor and the second degree, more precisely!

Phrases not similar to JAMAIS dire à un Parisien:

  1. Bonjour! (à la limit Bonjour-hannnn ça passe, mais bonjour, no.)
  2. You also have a Parisian accent! (Pardon-Han? Mais pour qui il se prend le provincial-Han?)
  3. Ann Hidalgo.
  4. Bonjour, you want some chocolate s’il-vous-plaît!
  5. Luxury for the Malaysian traveller, service on route 10 has been discontinued.
  6. 7 minutes of attention on a metro train
  7. Change in the Chatelet
  8. Did you see it Emily in Paris ?
  9. Bring OM!
  10. Sorry, I’m lost. Please tell me where you will find rue de la…
  11. C’est Cedric Grolet here?
  12. Greve des Transports la semaine prochaine
  13. Use it to get a blue card for 20 euros.
  14. Desoles, stop at 22:00.
  15. Chez nous la pinte costs 2 euros.
  16. Your Uber driver will cancel the course
  17. Your Uber driver will arrive in 7 minutes.
  18. Amelie Poulain
  19. I adore Anna Hidalgo
  20. Can you tell the ballad on the Champs Elysees?
  21. Don’t, you can’t even look at the cherries on your balcony, Marie Clotilde.
  22. Are you tired of being married to Paris?
  23. What do you think is line 13?
  24. I don’t know if you can comment on how to live in a small apartment…
  25. You are quite friendly for a Parisian!
  26. Ton appart’ fait la Taille de ma salle de bain
  27. Do you comment on Live sans Soleil all year round?
  28. You `re coming to me? J’habite de l’autre Côté du Periph’!
  29. You will see this many beans in Paris…
  30. I don’t want to live in Paris all year round, I don’t know what you will say.

With these phrases you are confident in the Parisians! De Rien-Khan!

Also: 25 phrases from Parisian snobs to return to on holiday in the Province

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