30-Second Tip to Peel a Pomegranate and Remove All Seeds

Today, with social networks, we have access to countless tips and content that make our daily lives easier.In this case we will share TikTok Tips for Peeling a Pomegranate Correctly, This way you will know how to remove all the particles in seconds.

In this way, through a video that went viral on the above-mentioned social network, we can know The ultimate tip for slicing fall fruit.

Autumn fruits are delicious

Pomegranates are a fall fruit in Spain and are often found in markets. Between September and November. Its taste, somewhere between sweet and bitter, is impossible to ignore, and its seeds or grains can be eaten on their own or used as an ingredient in different preparations, such as cakes or salads.

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If you love this fruit, chances are you’ve found yourself having to peel it more than once but didn’t know where to start. This is very common because although it is a delicious food, It is not easily manipulated. What’s more, only people who regularly eat pomegranates know how to shell and empty them the right way. Luckily, we’re going to share with you tips for peeling them properly.

Tips to peel a pomegranate and remove all the particles in seconds

@chikiroz89 #pelandounagranada ♬ Original Sound – Karin Rodz

The trick to peeling a pomegranate quickly and easily is to break it into sections. Apart from, It will be much easier to eat this way. To do this, you first have to cut a square around the calyx at the top of the bark. Once cut, we separate it from the rest of the fruit, leaving it open. The holes through which we can see the seeds or grains.

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Once this is done we move on to the next step where using the same knife we ​​have to make some vertical cuts from the top to the bottom of the casing. Your best bet is to have the slits follow the shape created by the pomegranate’s internal membrane.

Once these vertical cuts are made, it is easy to separate the pomegranate into segments, including the peel, and enough Open from shell every part that makes it up. Once you’ve done this, all you have to do is focus on enjoying this delicious fruit.

Pomegranate’s multiple benefits

Pomegranate is a fruit that is increasingly being eaten, which is no surprise considering its many health benefits.First, we find a fruit Rich in vitamins B1, B2 and C; It also contains iron, manganese, calcium and beta-carotene. It also has anti-diarrheal effects, is low in calories and sugar, and is suitable for diabetics. In addition to this, we must add that it has the advantages of preventing prostate cancer and promoting healthy menopause.

This fruit is considered a superfood due to its numerous and excellent nutritional properties, Among them we must emphasize the following points:

  • High potassium content: For active women and men aged 20 to 39, pomegranate consumption contains up to 8% of the recommended potassium intake and is highly recommended to enhance athletic performance.
  • Rich in Vitamin C: By introducing this diet into your diet, you can provide up to 10% of the daily recommended vitamin C.
  • Low calories: Pomegranate has only 34 calories per 100 grams, which makes this autumn fruit perfect for dressing a bean or green salad, and also suitable for eating at different times of the day.
  • High antioxidant content: Consuming it helps reduce chronic inflammation and is of great help in fighting different diseases like diabetes. Very powerful antioxidants can be found in its peel and are used in food supplements.
  • Helps fight gastrointestinal disorders: Pomegranates are rich in tannins, which promote water absorption. This helps fight intestinal problems like diarrhea or stomach pain. Likewise, due to its medicinal properties, it fights indigestion and intestinal parasites.
  • Powerful sexual stimulant: According to a study conducted by Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, pomegranate is a powerful sexual stimulant. This is especially beneficial for patients suffering from erectile dysfunction.
  • Improve skin appearance: Since it is an antioxidant fruit and contains B vitamins, it helps improve the appearance of the skin, making it look younger and healthier. It also contains punicic acid, so it helps moisturize dry skin and prevent hyperpigmentation. On the other hand, it is also worth noting that since they contain vitamins A and B, they promote the growth of nails and hair.
  • Promote heart health: This fruit helps purify the blood and increases blood flow, which is good for the heart. This way, bad cholesterol can be controlled while lowering blood pressure.
  • To prevent memory leaks: This delicious fruit also helps reduce memory problems thanks to its antioxidant and polyphenol content.

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