this technology In the fields of science and medicine, progress is coming by leaps and bounds.this is the case 3D printed prosthetics, which really works in different parts of the body, based on the needs of each patient. “Objects are formed by cutting.There are different substances such as resin and plastic. The different materials used to make these objects… For example, when applied to the hands, it can be seen in people who have certain deformities and may be missing parts of their fingers. These prosthetics are designed to allow them to pick up objects and handle themselves in daily life.“,introduced Science journalist Nora Barr,in the air family doctor.
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“Great progress has been made in this field and the possibility of developing more convenient and economical prosthetics is approaching”The invited experts went on to talk about the importance of progress in the creation and production of 3D prosthetics.
about 3D printing as a technologyBarr explained, “This is a Manufacturing technology that allows objects to be created layer by layer; Many times using 3D plans available on the Internet.this Production conceptthey call it ‘additive’, was explored in the 1950s and 1960s, when limited by the materials available… By the 2000s, applications were emerging in areas such as the aerospace, automotive and fashion industries.The progress today is amazing It is already used in the manufacture of prosthetics, making them easier to use, personalized and affordable“.