4 Tips for Finding Information Faster with Chrome

Our parents had a lot to admire about us, but if there’s one thing they envied about us, it’s the speed with which we acquire information today.Books, videos, artificial intelligence; the hard part is not learning Thanks to the Internet, today we bring you Four tips for finding information quickly with Google Chrome for mobile.

Read on to further simplify your browsing experience and get the data you need in the shortest possible time.

Ideas for your next search

If you’re viewing a topic-specific page in Google Chrome for iOS or Android, the next time you tap the address bar You will receive suggestions related to the page you are viewing.

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For example, as you can see in the image above, if you’re viewing an article about living in Japan, you’ll get suggestions such as “Attractions for tourists in Japan” or “Things to do in Tokyo.”

trend display

Do you want to know what people search for the most on Google? Previously you had to go to Google Trends, but now there is a faster way: Open a new tab and click on the address bar. back, scroll down You will be able to see the latest search trends.

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found this function Currently only available for Android devices. It’s coming to iOS later this year.

Related searches in the One Click Search feature

As you probably already know, if you’re using Chrome on your phone and select a word or phrase, you’ll see the option to search your selection at the bottom of the screen.

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All right, You will now find searches related to your selection In the same area of ​​the screen so that you can know the most important information related to what you are looking for, as we have seen on the screen where search terms related to “Lisbon” are displayed.

More search suggestions

So far, when you start searching for something in the Chrome address bar, it shows 6 search suggestions, but that’s changed now.

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Now no more no less than 10 Suggestions you’ll get every time you write something, sorted by relevance.

More recently, Google has emphasized improving its iOS and Android apps, addressing one of the biggest problems with incognito mode on Android, or bringing four new features to Chrome for iOS with Google Chrome Options you can Finding information What do you need about your topic of interest in less time.

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