The World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday released a manual for treating children who are wasted or severely malnourished, while drawing attention to the persistence of the number of people affected during a global food security summit, with some 45 million children under five years of age.The United Nations has established The 2030 Zero Hunger goal.
Severe malnutrition is passed down from generation to generation, Causes death in children and adults Because they have weaker defenses against diseases such as pneumonia. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a forum in London: “The thought of malnourished children is intolerable because these deaths are foreseeable and preventable”.
Child malnutrition has stagnated or worsened due to rising food prices, conflict, and improved access to water and sanitation. Five UN agencies are collaborating on a road map for the most affected countries: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen .
Ten days before the opening of COP28, this year’s United Nations climate change conference, participants at the conference organized by the UK government stressed that Impact of climate change on food security in Africa. In this sense, the host of the climate summit, Maryam Almhayri, Minister of Climate Change and Environment of the United Arab Emirates, announced that the summit will start with a food session.
new technology
Billionaire Sir Christopher Horn announces Donated €46 million to the Children’s Investment Fund and the UK government donated €91 million, founded by British capital managers. The target is to achieve contributions of around €460 million during the conference. So far, only 3% of green transition investments have been allocated to the agri-food sector.
Africans are optimistic about the capital accumulated by Cigar (International Agricultural Research Consulting Group). “We are sitting on gold,” says Lindiwe Majele Sibanda, president of a network of 15 centers that have been coordinating research into the benefits of food production for five decades.
The nonprofit’s real gold is its vast database of seeds, instruments and procedures, which will now be processed at high speed by computers equipped with artificial intelligence. For example, goals include: Recycle seeds that were once used to produce staple foods in local diets.
At the summit, arguments in favor were also heard plant-based diet and the ability of new technologies to generate advanced information, and The importance of women’s networks.German Economic Cooperation and Development Minister Ariana Hildebrandt stressed the need Promote cooperative relationships.From the beginning to the end of the meeting Nine hundred malnourished children will die.