47 female enterprises in Lisarada appeared at the Healthy Life Expo, and the experience of happiness starts now

Pereira, August 10, 2023.

This Friday (August 11) to August 13 (Sunday), the Health and Life Fair, led by Risaralda First Lady Nathalia Sierra Ramírez, will be held at Expofuturo within the framework of Megafest 2023, with the aim of exposing small businessmen to Follow them for their products related to body, mind and spiritual health, merchants and producers belonging to the brand “Hecho en Risaralda”, and artists who won the appeal this year.

In addition to an academic program that will have 10 speakers, the event will also host a trade fair where 47 entrepreneurs, mostly women, will present different types of natural products such as: honey facials, essential oils and wellness products, hemp, handmade soaps, rose facial tonics, organic hair lines, liver medicinal extracts, gastritis, weight, cholesterol, crafts for anxiety control, organic and natural cosmetics, hyaluronic acid aloe vera gel, reflexology, Vegan diet etc.

“It’s important to know that we have the opportunity to stay healthy and that being healthy is part of our responsibility, and with the conference focused on mental health, fair visitors will be able to support the efforts of these women to think about their role as rural women displaced by violence, African American women, many of them supported by their partners and other mothers who are heads of household with a lot of responsibility. The important thing is, as I say in the media, people come to the expo as a family and you can stay for a whole Today, enjoy everything we have prepared in Todos Province”, said the social manager of Risaralda.

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Release date 08/10/2023

Last Modified August 10, 2023

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