5 Funniest Tips to Get the Most out of ChatGPT

Today we’re going to review five of the most curious things that could save us a lot of time and teach us things we didn’t know or imagined at the time. Remember, you have versions of the app for iOS and Android phones, and you can talk to this curious robot through the microphone.

ChatGPT 5 major functions

  • Jokes and personalized stories with names

First off, one of the funniest options that not everyone knows is that I can tell you a joke, but with the actors you want. That is, you can write him “tell me a joke about Manolo, a nurse and a policeman named Juan” and he’ll do something clever with them both things. Although the truth is, it doesn’t have much humor and they’re usually pretty bad, but enough to laugh at them. You can also ask to tell a story with these actors, who are usually more original.

This is one of the most useful features of the bot, as you can ask it to adapt to your language level and practice it as if you were talking to another human. He will correct your mistakes, the good thing is that he won’t get tired. Plus, with the voice option, you can not only interact with him, but also practice your pronunciation to see if he understands what you’re saying. You can also ask him your level of English and he will take a test so you know your level.

english chat gpt

If you’re a chef and have no ideas for tonight’s dinner, you can always ask ChatGPT to send you a recipe based on ingredients you have at home, or to have it surprise you. For example, if you have a few leftover products that you want to use because they are about to expire, you can ask him… “Make me a recipe with tomatoes, flour and potatoes” and he will give you the ingredients and ingredients. Step by step preparation method. Everything is very simple!

  • Create various tables

Using ChatGPT, you will be able to create various forms that you need in your daily life. From requesting a personalized diet of X calories, to getting organized so you have time to study, exercise and do everything you need. You just need to ask him some advice. “Give me a 1500 kcal daily food list that excludes fish that I don’t like and replaces it with protein-rich foods”

GPT chat form

Finally, another function of this artificial intelligence is to respond to your searches differently. You can ask him to explain who Napoleon was like you were his friend at the time, or if you don’t find any answers, you can always ask him to tell you like you were 10 years old. It will adapt to everything to make your learning or curiosity as effective and fun as possible.

GPT Napoleon

These are some of the many functions that this interesting artificial intelligence has. Now you know 5 more. I hope some of these seem useful and serve you well in the future. If you know something curious, feel free to leave us a comment.

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