5 takeaways from Michael B. Jordan’s Wall Street Journal interview

Actor Michael B. Jordan, known for his roles in “Tenet” and “Black Panther,” recently sat down with The Wall Street Journal to get a glimpse into his daily life, habits and career insights. Here are five takeaways from the conversation:

1.Jordan’s Unconventional morning routine

Despite his busy schedule, Jordan wakes up at 5:30 every morning. Surprisingly, he would often fall back asleep if he had nothing to do immediately, and found that the brief period of waking up and then falling back to sleep provided him with the most restful sleep.

“If I don’t have anything scheduled right away, I’ll probably go back to sleep. That’s usually the best sleep – when you wake up and then go back to sleep. More often than not I’ll get up and start my daily routine, go to the gym, Sweat like rain. Then take a shower, meditate and try to clear your mind,” the actor said.

2. Michael B. Jordan and his worku system

When training for a role like “Tenet,” Jordan sticks to a rigorous workout routine. However, in his daily life, he exercises for overall health and well-being rather than specific fitness goals.

3. Serve breakfast

Unlike many people, Jordan is not a coffee drinker in his daily life, but he indulged in espresso during long filming sessions. For breakfast, he likes to eat half-fried eggs.

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4. surprising hobbies

Jordan revealed some unexpected hobbies, including his love of ironing, which he finds calming, and driving, which helps him clear his mind. Cooking was another of his passions that gave him a sense of peace, especially when sharing meals with others.

“I experimented a lot in the kitchen,” Jordan, 36, said.

5. Michael B. Jordan and director Ryan Coogler

Jordan, who has worked with Black Panther director Ryan Coogler for more than a decade, considers Coogler a close friend and values ​​their working relationship. Their upcoming project marks their fifth collaboration, a rare feat in the industry and reflects their strong bond and shared creative vision.

“If Ryan and I had grown up in the same city and gone to the same school, we would have been best friends. There’s a bond and a brotherhood there that I’m proud of,” Jordan said.

Michael B. Jordan, photo from Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/p/CshxpKvvkQ_/?hl=en&img_index=1

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