5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Child’s Health and Ensuring a Well…

The new school year has begun, and returning to normal life after the holidays can be a challenge for parents who want their children to go to school full of energy and health.

One of the most common illnesses in children is the common cold, which can be caused by more than 200 different viruses, the most common of which is rhinovirus. If you want to avoid these situations as much as possible, Lanier Pharma offers some advice to take care of your immune system and ensure a disease-free recovery:

  1. 1. Follow a balanced diet: A healthy and varied diet is essential to strengthen the immune system in children and adolescents. Depending on their age and growth process, provide them with all the nutrients they need to maintain their internal balance; for example, foods containing vitamin A, which can reduce the effects of infections; vitamin C, which regulates the immune response, and vitamin D, which promotes bone health .
  2. 2. Add probiotics to your diet: Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when ingested in sufficient amounts, can provide health benefits by balancing the gut flora. For breakfast, you can add natural yoghurt or raw cheese, which can improve bowel processes and provide valuable nutrients for the immune system of the little ones in the family.
  3. 3. Ensure adequate sleep habits: Getting enough sleep is essential for good physical and mental health, especially in young children, as lack of sleep can lead to restlessness, weakness or difficulty concentrating. They need 10 to 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep a day; in addition, we must prevent them from expressing stress, as this also weakens their body’s defenses.
  4. 4. Avoid sudden temperature changes: It’s very common for them to catch a cold at school, and while we can’t avoid it, we can minimize the chances of it. Try to dress them in light cotton clothing and keep warm gradually as the weather changes; it also ensures adequate ventilation of the house, as renewed air prevents the concentration of viruses in the environment.
  5. 5. Use supplements that boost your immune system: Another way to help the immune system is to use food supplements that contain vitamins that can help us protect the immune system. To this end, Lanier Pharma presents Immunizat Infantil, a natural supplement especially suitable for the prevention and treatment of viral and bacterial infections due to its immunomodulatory action.

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