6 warnings your body sends to know if you have gallstones

In the early stages, discomfort is often confused with other, less affecting symptoms.

Andre Seales

andreisiles.asesor@larepublica.net | Monday, November 6, 2023 10:15 AM

Whether it’s because you ate something heavy over the weekend that caused severe so-called “stomach” pain, or because you’ve been experiencing this discomfort for several days, it’s important not to let your abdominal discomfort pass and see your doctor, as it may indicate existence Gallstone.

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And, while these symptoms may be mild and temporary, they may also be signs of a more serious medical condition that requires medical care Immediately, says gastroenterologist Dr. Carolina Gutiérrez.

“The cause can be varied, especially depending on the organ of origin, it could be stomach pain, ulcers, severe gastritis, but it could also be due to gallbladder stones or what we know as intestinal inflammation. colitis“, experts said.

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Since there are several important organs in the abdomen, such as the stomach, liverpancreas, small and large intestines, etc.; Gutierrez adds that it is not always possible to pinpoint the cause of the pain without prior examination, as a common mistake is to confuse abdominal pain with an upset stomach.

Listen to your body

Persistent abdominal pain may be a warning that one of these conditions is present in your body.

  • Stomach problems, such as gastritis or ulcers
  • Gallstone
  • Inflammation of the intestines, such as colitis
  • pancreatic disease
  • severe gastrointestinal disease
  • Other conditions related to abdominal organs, such as the liver or small and large intestines, which may vary

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