7 natural herbs to help fight colds and flu

Some natural remedies are more effective against the first symptoms of disease, but astragalus works better as a preventive agent. Laboratory studies back this up: Astragalus root extract improves white blood cell function and even increases antibody levels in healthy people. Astragalus may also increase levels of interferon, which are immune system activating proteins that fight viral infections and tumors. These benefits can help prevent upper respiratory tract infections, especially in people who are prone to colds and flu. Use astragalus in tea, capsule, or tincture form.

Astragalus should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. People with autoimmune diseases should consult a health professional.

This wildflower has many health benefits, including reducing the chance of catching a cold. Echinacea is one of the most studied herbs and is known for its many effects on the immune system, including boosting antibody responses, increasing interferon levels to fight viruses, and stimulating white blood cells to fight infections. The various chemical components in Echinacea vary according to the three plant species, plant parts and extraction techniques: polysaccharides, glycoproteins and alkylamides have medicinal effects that strengthen the immune system and inhibit viruses and bacteria. Exactly how echinacea works is still being studied. To see benefits, take adequate doses of a high-quality product at the first signs of illness. Take it in tea, tincture or capsule form.

Do not take echinacea if you have tuberculosis, leukemia, diabetes, connective tissue disease, multiple sclerosis, HIV or AIDS, an autoimmune disease, or liver disease. In rare cases, echinacea can cause allergic reactions.

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