8 tips to hide those who regret their transition

after two o’clock Transgender activism has been particularly intense for decadesThousands of people around the world suffer Hormones and genital mutilation Look for “gender changes” that are nothing more than physical changes that damage healthy organs without significant psychological improvement.

¿What a pity How hurt will they be when they regret it? no reliable databut they are known to exist and speak.

transgender industry advocate They repeat that only a small percentage of people repentwhile social networks are filled with repentants and transsexuals, often young, who tell their testimonies.

But are there any studies on the number of converts? Why does the transgender industry often say there are “few” converts?

Physicians and researchers at SEGM (Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine, a medical association critical of gender change) Analysis About it and its weaknesses. Whether these are sought or allowed by an industry that makes money from lifelong surgeries and hormonal chemistry, or whether they are unavoidable, is probably a matter for further debate.

1. They don’t look regretful because the follow-up is brief

Some people rarely regret having stump surgery, but more often it takes years for them to regret it.

SEGM cited a recent research review by J. Cohn stating that on average Man who had gender reassignment surgery took 8 years to express regrets.

Other studies show regret occurs more quickly (3 to 6 years) when puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery are combined.

“This shift can be linked to The “honeymoon” period, in which quality of life and satisfaction improves within one year but begins to decline after three years and collapsed 5 years after the transition,” the association explained.

“Shockingly, research extols the benefits of transitioning teens as they focus on Follow-up is short, sometimes 3 months and rarely more than 5 years.”they condemned.

2. Small studies: Many surgical patients forego follow-up studies

One of the most cited studies on the long-term effects of gender change is from Amsterdam, with data covering 1972 to 2015 and involving 6,800 people. “Only 0.6% of trans women and 0.3% of trans men have undergone gonadectomy Regretful (removal of sexual organs),” the statement said. Abstract Research. Transgender sellers repeat the same thing.

But of the 6,800 people who visited Dutch clinics, only 1% had a gonadectomy, and 36% of them stopped reporting and abandoned the monitoring process.

3. People who regret will not go to their clinic to say they are transitioning

“People who feel harmed by treatment may not want to participate in follow-up studies. At least one study suggests that Less than a quarter of the deconversion agent (A penitent who seeks to reverse as much change as possible) “They came back to the clinic to talk about their decision to change their lives.””, explains SEGM, citing an article from 100 Anti-Converters by Lisa Littman.

Therefore, clinics that perform gender reassignment surgeries, They underestimate (or outright ignore) how many patients regret and feel hurt, and often deceived and angered.

Gender ideology undermines good medical science: Healthy organs are mutilated and bodies are sterilized and permanently damaged because of ideology, lack of psychological care, and bad science. Transgender clinics get rich. His patients regret it, but on average it takes about 8 years.

4. Accurately, the patients who do talk to the clinic are the ones who have no regrets

Another bias that exaggerates “satisfaction” and masks regret is that, precisely, those who continue to go to clinics and participate in studies and statistics still believe they can achieve satisfaction. The “currently happy people” are those who filled out the form. But a 2018 analysis by Roberto D’Angelo estimated that 20% to 60% abandoned these follow-up studies… and To be precise, repenters are those who forsake themso these studies overrepresent (yet) the unrepentant.

5. How do you measure regret?

he The presence of regret indicates deep pain and anguish and can serve as an indicator of suicide risk and extreme unhappiness. But it’s hard to measure.Many people regret having their bodies mutilated but they continue to dress like the opposite sex or use the name of the opposite sex because they believe There’s nothing they can do, even if they don’t like it, it’s “better” to continue this way; “Repentance and acceptance (of harm) can coexist.” It’s not enough to consider those who come asking for hormone reversal to be repentant.A study based on questionnaires answered by one hundred surgeons found Three types of regret:
– 42% of “Repenters” regret changing gender, They now discover that their natural gender is their true gender.
– 37% of converts are “social”: they see it This shift harms their social statusnot giving them enough benefits in their environment;
Only 8% declared “medical” regrets (Due to physical impairment, pain, sterilization, etc…)
But it’s unclear whether it’s the surgeons who perform operations and amputations who are most vulnerable to complaints from regretters (clinics have adequate means to prevent regretters from approaching surgeons).

6. The “repentance” of adults is not comparable to that of teenagers

Transgender advocates (and sellers) say there are few converts Data from old studies, When the person requesting these surgeries is an adult of a certain age, 30 or older, very rarely, the vast majority Men who say they feel like women. Generally, they perform surgery after consulting several psychologists.

But in the past ten years, The people who go to these clinics vary greatly. What the clinic received was A group of girls and teenage girls who feel very uncomfortable as a woman (their social or physical complexities during adolescence and young adulthood) and think they would feel better if they were men. An 11-year-old girl’s puberty was blocked, and teenagers aged 15, 16 and 17 underwent surgery. They ask for surgery without contacting any psychologist (because today’s law does not require this, and according to the state’s regulations they are even prohibited from doing so), and if they contact a psychologist, it is also related to the clinic , clinics will always recommend gender reassignment.they are made Gender changes in young people affected by various psychological conditions No one diagnoses or treats it.

They were told that using old data from a different type of patient would have little chance of regret.

7. Some studies ignore people who no longer identify as transgender

In 2021, a study on deconversion agents was widely disseminated in the United States (Turban et al.), which was based on 2,200 apomorphs, The study says this is largely due to “external pressure” and takes into account that the vast majority of people who seek “gender affirmation” have no regrets.

“Paradoxically, The study only included transgender people who still claim to be transgenderand this fact was not announced in the published studies,” SEGM denounced.

This important choice can only be discovered by reading hundreds of pages of reports About methodology. Of course, those who have undergone gender reassignment treatment but now claim to be happy with their natural gender can say some things that would make the industry very uncomfortable, and they have no say here.

8. Techniques for measuring chemical effects in just a few months

In September 2023, a study was published (Brendan J. Nolan et al.) that illustrates Low levels of these surveys favor gender change. The psychological effects of starting testosterone for 3 months were measured in 64 women who wanted to masculinize (change their gender to male). The study noted that these individuals experienced “significant reductions in depression and suicidality.”the fact is The effect of hormones on the body is almost unnoticeable within three months They have little ability to assess its impact or consider themselves “gender-changing.”

“Overall sentiment improves in the short term They provided no credible evidence Highly invasive surgeries and medical interventions for gender transition ensure a high quality of life without regrets.Post-transition studies did not last long enough “It should be clearly stated that they cannot provide true regret rates,” SEGM analysis concluded.

As long as there is no reliable data (and it won’t be available for many years) Society should be aware that there are no reliable sources on the percentage of repentants They maintain that it is untrue to claim that few or few repent.

To further study the topic of dislocation, SEGM recommends a list of studies at the international level (138, between trials and studies, Nearly four-tenths of these were published in 2021) on Pablo Expósito Campos and the breakaway or exit of the University of the Basque Country, published in journal of psychiatry.

SEGM also Announcing the convening of the first international congresswith topic “An international perspective on evidence-based treatments for adolescents with gender dysphoria” (focusing on the treatment of adolescents with gender dysphoria), will be held in New York on October 10-11, with experts from Sweden, Finland, the United Kingdom, France, Norway, Canada, Belgium and Australia “in biology, epidemics The Intersection of Pathology, Medicine, and Culture.”this The vast majority of participants will participate online.

The documentary “Transgender” collects testimonies from transgender people and victims of the transgender industry and the gender ideology on which it is based.

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