9-year-old Cambodian boy dies after testing positive for bird flu virus

pen name.- A child’s brother died this week Avian Influenza exist Cambodia The country’s health ministry reported on Monday that the number of people tested positive for the virus.

The death of a 9-year-old boy in the northeastern province of Kratie is Cambodia’s first death from bird flu this year, after four incidents were reported last year. World Health Organization.

Avian influenza, which is typically spread among birds, was not considered a threat to humans until an outbreak in a Hong Kong chicken market in 1997.Most human cases result from direct contact with infected birds, but There are fears the virus could spread more directly from person to person.

The World Health Organization and the World Food Program warned this month that Lunar New Year celebrations in many Asian countries could lead to infections.

The Cambodian Ministry of Health said in a statement that the 16-year-old boy tested positive for the virus but was asymptomatic. The young man is receiving treatment and authorities are working to determine who he came into contact with and how and where the children contracted the virus.

The ministry added that the boy who died last week developed fever, difficulty breathing, coughing and fainting after eating food cooked by his parents from chickens and ducks they raised.

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