99 new professionals join MSP to strengthen Ecuador’s highest-impact program to reduce chronic infectious diseases – Ministry of Public Health

Quito, September 16, 2023

The Ministry of Public Health has strengthened 19 health institutions across the country within the framework of the National Inclusive Health Services Strategy, with new resources dedicated to promoting health and preventing the spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and HIV. Other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also taking into account infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and viral hepatitis B and C; these strategies focus on the general population, focusing on key groups (men who have sex with men, transgender people, people working in sex people) and vulnerable groups (pregnant women and adolescents), and sensitize health professionals to provide inclusive services free of stigma and discrimination.

Health professionals joined to enhance the timely diagnosis and application of preventive methods for chronic infectious diseases include:

  • 9 prevention and control strategy experts.
  • 19 general practitioners.
  • 19 nurses.
  • 18 laboratories.
  • 19 Clinical Psychologist.
  • 15 peer recommenders (belonging to the key group).

In this way, health institutions incorporate respect for and protection of human rights, the application of a gender equality approach, interculturality, recognition and respect for diversity and the promotion of healthy lifestyles of citizens through action, with the aim of promoting common individual and collective health care Responsibility.

The total investment in recruiting personnel from April 2023 to December 2023 is $1,945,007.46.

The activities of Inclusive Health Services professionals are concentrated at the intra- and extra-mural level, within the first level of health care and include:

  • Generate an information and awareness space focused on the promotion and prevention of HIV, other sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis B and C, COVID-19, MPOX (monkeypox), and communication rights and responsibilities.
  • Provides pre- and post-test HIV counseling.
  • In accordance with current legal provisions, rapid testing for HIV, syphilis, and viral hepatitis B and C is made available and available to the general population, focusing on key and vulnerable groups, with priority given to pregnant women.
  • Linking integrated HIV care units to positive and unidentified cases.
  • Link patients diagnosed with viral hepatitis B and C to hepatitis care services.
  • Conduct institutional monitoring and surveillance (community surveillance) to demonstrate adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ARV) among people diagnosed with HIV, sexually transmitted infections, or viral hepatitis B and C, and to identify reasons for abandonment.
  • Provides information about PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis), gender-based violence and self-testing.
  • During community care and activities, condoms and lubricants are provided with appropriate information on their correct use.
  • Promote the search, screening, diagnosis and treatment (compliance monitoring) of major sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and trichomoniasis, as well as key preventive measures.
  • Pregnant women are encouraged to receive hepatitis B vaccine according to the vaccination schedule corresponding to their gestational age or the rapid/accelerated schedule.
  • Conduct active community and institutional search operations for latent and active TB cases among people living with HIV and link them to health units at different levels to provide prevention and/or appropriate treatment.


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