“People want to be safe. This pandemic has been very hard on everyone”

Since Monday, thousands of health center workers and Aragonese over the age of 85 have been required to receive influenza and coronavirus vaccinations. The campaign started in nursing homes the next day and continued as planned, with the goal of reaching 75% of these new risk groups. “People are craving safety because the pandemic has been so hard on everyone. We had a very bad time,” recalls Rebecca Alonso, an anesthesiologist at the University Clinical Hospital of Lozano Bresa and one of the first this year to receive both doses.

He recalled that because of his profession he was “in contact with many patients every minute of every day.” “They deserve our protection and we deserve to protect them,” pointed out. This is one of the main reasons to get vaccinated and the safety it provides for your own family. Like her, other colleagues slowly arrived at the outpatient consultation area in the early morning.

María Fernández, Technician for Assisted Care (TCAE), decided to wear both products on her first day. “When I get a cold, it’s really bad, so I try to get vaccinated every year,” he said, while stressing the importance of the workplace. María José Morales (also TCAE) underwent two punctures and stressed that it was “very important” to do so. “Where I am, we’ve pretty much all been vaccinated, and some people react more and some react less. Fortunately, I don’t usually get vaccinated as much. Maybe that’s why I react more,” he added road.

In this sense, José Manuel Lobán, although he starts working at the Inocencio Jiménez Specialist Center this Monday, has already made an appointment to go to the clinic , he pointed out that with vaccines, everything is “measured and controlled” and can also help society. “We are all at risk and as healthcare workers we must set an example”The mental health nurse specialist noted, later stressing that it was a personal decision. In fact, in the last campaign, only 43% coverage was achieved.

Patricia Ramos, an administrator at this hospital, encourages vaccination: “I do it as a precaution because my parents are older and they were vaccinated.” Likewise, he recognizes that not everyone is vaccinated. Everyone does this, and The importance of using masks, “at least in hospitals,” was emphasized.

On Monday, they plan to administer 50 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and another 60 doses of the flu vaccine at the hospital. Most people choose both, wearing one on each arm. They recalled from the center that this was the fifth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for these professionals, at least three months had passed since they had fallen ill or received the previous dose.Apart from On Monday, intern health students also began receiving flu shots.

flu campaign

Meanwhile, flu and COVID vaccinations continue in residential and Incidence of influenza among children aged 6 to 59 months. In this sense, Begoña Adiego, Head of Prevention and Health Promotion Services of the DGA, recalled the importance of this phase because of influenza in children “It’s a pathology that can cause serious problems” and is “one of the top reasons for hospitalization” in this age group. “Children’s influenza is important and we can prevent it,” he stressed.

For children 6 to 24 months old, Whose agenda is open? Starting last week, they began receiving an intramuscular injection, while those aged 24 to 59 months received an intranasal injection, consisting of two sprays. For the second situation, family members can make an appointment through the following methods: health information applications Since October 2 last year.

Still continuing respiratory syncytial virus immunity By actively recruiting children under 6 months of age from health centers as well as newborns from the hospitals themselves. High-risk children under 24 months of age (born 35 weeks prematurely or with other underlying conditions such as congenital heart disease with hemodynamic impairment) are also placed in the neonatal unit.

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