Tomorrow President ANBI at the Bologna X conference notes adaptation strategies for climate change X Editors 30-5-23

(agenparl) – Tue 30 May 2023 Bologna
savoy cabbage
31 May 2023
With the unconditional contribution of:
Main Sponsor:
under the protection of:
Organization of Seminar:
risk mitigation
From the Institute of Hydrology, Fire and Drought
national warning system
in times of climate change co
In the past few decades, we have seen an extreme increase in meteorological conditions,
relating to climate change and increase in global average temperature,
that generate localized and short-lived risk scenarios, such as thunderstorms and
the resulting landslides and floods, and a little more expansion in time and space,
such as drought, salt wedge intrusion, high susceptibility to wildfire and
Desert fiction.
Availability of information is an essential condition for dealing with incidents
during their development, to make the right decisions at the best time,
such as, for example, issuing a detailed bulletin, the correct use of
a hydraulic work, activation of a rescue team, evacuation of a center
The closure of a built-up area or road. the same information is then important to a
Moves to planning when it is possible to work on prevention.
The market today offers a great availability of sensors for all types of measuring instruments
The magnitude, parameter, and phenomenon that correlate with the abundance of a system
Alternate and cumulative broadcasts that can be used to centralize information in theaters
Opera v. Even data collection and validation, reprocessing,
Modeling and warnings are in constant development. in a dynamic context for
Regarding technologies, skills and responsibilities of different institutions
Migration of natural hazards involves different capacities, opportunities arise
National Recovery and Resilience Plan – A landmark offering from PNRR’s investment.
The purpose of this appointment is to bring public administration, businesses and companies into the system
To facilitate exchange of good practices for emigration of professionals
Risk landscape, exacerbated by climate change, focusing on non-intervention
structural, from using the innova vi sensor to the right plan e
Optimizing real-time information for decision support.
8.30 – 9.00 Guest Registration
9.00 – 9.45 Opening of works
Ÿ Gnudi A – President of the Order of Engineers of the Province of Bologna
Ÿ Bonacsini S. – President of the Emilia-Romagna Region
Ÿ Condely d. – Councilor of National Council of Engineers
Ÿ Monaco f. – Coordinating Chairman of the National Technical Structure
Ÿ Bernardi G – Vice President of CAE SPA
14.30 – 17.00 Good practices for risk migration
9.45 – 10.45 National and regional policies for risk reduction
Ÿ With I – Mayor of San Lazzaro di Savena
Ÿ Pagana e. – Councilor for the Region and Environment of the Sicilian Region
Ÿ Latronico C. – Councilor for the Environment and Energy of the Basilicata Region
Ÿ Gallo ji. – Councilor of Agriculture and Welfare of the Calabria Region
10.45 – 11.15 Coffee break
11.15 – 13.00 National Strategies for Adapting to Change
with climate
Ÿ Pagliara P. – Director of the Office of Technical-Scientific Activities for
Risk Forecasting and Prevention – Department of Civil Defense
Ÿ Cassiamani c. – Dior or d’Italiametto
Ÿ Trigila A. – Head of the section «Development and coordination
List of landslide occurrence and in situ monitoring in Italy
Landslide » Ispra
Ÿ Cor G. – Director of CREA’s Center for Agriculture and the Environment
Ÿ Vincenzi F. – President of ANBI
Ÿ Bernardi G – Vice President of CAE SPA
13.00 – 14.30 Lunch
Colaizzi M. and Ferri M. – General Secretary and Director of the Authority
District Basin of the Eastern Alps
Cassini M. – General Secretary of the District Basin Authority
of the Central Apennines
Bra A. – General Secretary of District Basin Authority
Po River
Barbaro S. – Director General of ARPA Piedmont
Kokina S – Director General of the Regional Department
Civil Protection of the Sicilian Region
Kesinghini M. – Director of Regional Civil Defense Agency
Stop F. – Officers in charge of sub-functions 5.1.d – 5.2.a – 5.2.c POR
Biafor M. – Director of the Mull Functional Center for Protection Risk
citizen of Campania
Fanselow Mr. – Director of “Prevention, Planning and
Forecasting – Regional Agency of the Regional Functional Center “
Civil Defense Lazio Region
Tomei F. – Officials of the Climate Observatory – ARPAE Emilia-Romagna
Angelo Amicareli – Director Marque NG FinAP
17.00 – 17.15 Closing
17.15 – 18.30 Greeting aperitif
recognizes partnership
No. 5 training credits for engineers

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