Causes of eye bags and how to eliminate them

Eye bags are a cosmetic problem that affects many people, and while in most cases they are not a cause for concern, they can cause discomfort due to their appearance.According to the Mayo Clinic and WebMD, the common causes of bags under the eyes are as follows and what to do about them: can be used to get rid of them.

What are the causes of bags under the eyes?

One of the most common reasons is lack of sleep. Lack of sleep can cause fluid to build up in the tissue of the lower eyelid and blood to leak from the eyelid. blood vessels, leading to the formation of dark circles. Additionally, allergies can inflame the sinus tissue, which can manifest as swelling of the lower eyelids.

The consumption is Tobacco may also be a contributing factor. Nicotine disrupts natural sleep patterns and causes fluid to build up under the eyes. In addition, tobacco produces substances that damage skin elasticity and collagen, leading to the formation of bags under the eyes.

caused by dehydration excessive drinking This may also be the cause of bags under the eyes. When the body is dehydrated, the skin on the lower eyelids can become droopy and fragile, causing bags under the eyes.

Age also This is a factor to consider. As we age, muscles and tissues weaken, and the fat that naturally supports the eyes can move to the lower eyelids, causing a puffy appearance. Additionally, fluid can accumulate in the area.

food consumption Salty foods can also help form Bags under eyes. When you eat foods high in salt, your body retains fluid, and one of the places fluid accumulates is under your eyes. Not removing your makeup before bed can also irritate the tissue under your eyes and cause inflammation.

Exposure to the sun without protection is another factor Will damage skin and collagen, This can lead to the appearance of bags under the eyes. Finally, some people may be genetically predisposed to developing eye bags if their parents had them.

How to get rid of eye bags naturally?

There are some things you can do to improve the appearance of bags under your eyes.Getting enough sleep is crucial, and an extra pillow can help Avoid fluid accumulation under the eyes. Additionally, receiving treatment for allergies and sinusitis can reduce inflammation of the sinuses and lower eyelids.

Drink less and increase your intake Water helps reduce eye bags. Improving your eating habits by reducing salt intake can also help reduce inflammation. Removing makeup before bed and using eye cream at night can help.

protect skin from Use of sunscreen on lower eyelids due to overexposure to the sun, Sunglasses and hats are also important to prevent skin damage and reduce the appearance of eye bags.

To sum up, eye bags may be caused by lack of sleep, allergies, smoking, dehydration, aging, eating salty food, cleaning eye bags, etc. cosmetic, Sun exposure and genetic predisposition. However, the appearance of bags under the eyes can be improved by taking some simple steps such as getting enough sleep, treating allergies, reducing alcohol and salt intake, proper skin care, and sun protection.

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