Tom Brady’s AI chatbot scares NFL fans: ‘Creepy’

Artificial intelligence is taking the world by storm, and to some, that’s not a good way to drive fans crazy like a Tom Brady chatbot. Computer technology is so advanced now that sometimes we can’t tell what is real and what is fake, and the latest Brady AI has caught the attention of fans.

While we know this isn’t true, by using Brady’s voice and his image, computers have pieced together a perfect imitation of Tom Brady. To the average NFL viewer, they would just say it’s Brady talking.

However, as far as we know, that’s not the case, but it’s still pretty scary considering how lifelike it is.

Tom Brady chatbot gives fans the creeps

As technology rapidly advances, artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent in everything we do.

Now, Tom Brady’s chatbot is showing off just how realistic the technology can be, scaring fans with some even calling it creepy.

“This AI has no shoulders? It’s too scary.”

Fans thought it was creepy.
Fans don’t like Brady chatbot.
Fans aren’t excited about Brady’s artificial intelligence chatbot.

So, as we can see, other fans aren’t too excited about this latest AI technology, and Brady appears to be talking to them, when in fact, it’s just an app.

How much did Meta pay for an AI likeness of Tom Brady?

Philadelphia Eagles v New England Patriots

Names, images and likenesses have become a big part of professional sports these days, and if you think Mehta won’t have to pay Brady for using his face, you’re wrong.

Tom Brady was reportedly paid over $1 million by Meta for its artificial intelligence possibilities, so we can add that to the long list of businesses where Brady has been paid.

Brady’s AI chatbot is called Bru, and as we can see, it looks exactly like the seven-time Super Bowl champion. Although the shoulders are not broad, they are still very lifelike.

This technology is quickly becoming the “thing” in today’s world and is slowly taking over our daily lives.

With several celebrities like Brady being used in the field of artificial intelligence, we don’t know what the next adventure will be.

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