Egypt makes unprecedented progress towards eliminating hepatitis C

Egypt becomes first country to receive World Health Organization validation of pathway to eliminate hepatitis C

The World Health Organization (WHO) has congratulated Egypt for its unprecedented progress in eliminating hepatitis C, becoming the first country to achieve “gold level” status on the road to elimination according to WHO standards. Achieving gold status means Egypt has met program requirements to help reduce new hepatitis C infections and deaths to levels that will enable the country to end the hepatitis C epidemic.

Globally, 58 million people live with chronic hepatitis C infection. Although there is no vaccine, the disease is curable with highly effective, short-term treatment lasting 8-12 weeks. Yet, globally, four out of five people with hepatitis C do not know they are infected. Unless treated or cured, the infection can lead to liver disease and cancer.

Egypt has diagnosed 87% of people with hepatitis C and provided curative treatment to 93% of those diagnosed, exceeding the World Health Organization’s gold-level target of diagnosing at least 80% of people with hepatitis C and providing at least 70% of those diagnosed provided treatment for people.

WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “Egypt’s journey from one of the highest hepatitis C infection rates in the world to being on the path to elimination of hepatitis C in less than 10 years is nothing short of astounding. Shocking.” “Egypt is an example to the world of what can be achieved with modern tools, and the political commitment at the highest levels to use these tools to prevent infections and save lives. Egypt’s success will surely give us all hope and motivation, To eliminate hepatitis C from around the world.”

Egypt has reduced hepatitis C prevalence from 10% to 0.38% in just over a decade, successfully transforming itself from one of the countries with the highest hepatitis C rates in the world to one of the lowest.

Egypt has been strengthening its national prevention and treatment programs since the early 2000s. In 2006, the country established the National Viral Hepatitis Control Committee, a governance structure to oversee and lead the national hepatitis response.

Starting in 2014 and intensifying in 2018, Egypt’s president launched a nationwide campaign to eliminate hepatitis C, providing free testing and treatment for hepatitis C. The “100 million ceha” (100 million healthy lives) campaign tested more than 60 patients. million, with more than 4.1 million people treated. Locally produced direct-acting antiviral treatments are a key factor in the campaign’s huge success – hepatitis C cure rates are as high as 99% among patients who receive treatment.

Through a patient-centered approach, Egypt has also significantly improved patient safety practices and embraced the concept of “do no harm” by implementing universal injection safety, blood safety procedures and harm reduction.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Mandhari, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, praised Egypt’s unprecedented success: “This proves that with determination, success is unstoppable even in the face of challenging challenges and difficult times, including the COVID-19 pandemic. “. Egypt is committed to eliminating hepatitis C and has successfully tested nearly all eligible people and treated nearly all those infected with the virus. This represents one third of the 12 million people living with hepatitis C in the Eastern Mediterranean region. “This reflects the essence of our regional vision and a call for unity and action.”

In close collaboration with the WHO country office in Egypt, and with support from all three levels of the organization, the Ministry of Health and Population has successfully expanded financial and technical resources over the years to achieve its vision of eliminating hepatitis C as a public health problems.

Dr. Naeema Al Gasseer, WHO Representative in Egypt, said: “I feel great pride and joy as I witness the historic moment when Egypt becomes the first country recognized internationally to have made significant progress in eliminating this disease.” “I have witnessed first-hand the extraordinary efforts made by the Ministry of Health and Population over the past decade to eliminate this public health threat. The ministry is driven by the highest political commitment and solidarity, equity and inclusion for everyone living in Egypt services without discrimination and as a universal human right.”

She added: “This milestone coincides with WHO’s 75th anniversary this year and is a clear reflection of its vision: improving public health and achieving health for all.”

WHO is supporting the Ministry with technical guidance and tools, outlining a human rights-based approach to the diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C, and advocating for the inclusion of vulnerable groups such as refugees and migrants in the campaign. WHO continues to support the Ministry of Health in building the capacity of health workers and reaching out to communities through advocacy activities.

According to the 2023 World Health Organization Guidelines for national validation of viral hepatitis elimination and elimination pathways, Countries can apply for full verification at Gold, Silver or Bronze levels on elimination pathways based on achieving relevant targets. Egypt was the first country to apply for verification and receive gold-level status on the path to elimination, meaning that Egypt is well on its way to achieving all elimination targets until 2030.

This press release is Published by the World Health Organization on October 9, 2023.

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