This Mercadona product fights insomnia and gives you rest like no other

Mercadona products help you sleep better every nightstandard deviation

Good sleep is essential for health. There is no point in losing weight or spending hours in the gym if you don’t spend 7-8 hours in bed every day.If your work schedule allows, in fact, it is recommended always at the same time. Your body will thank you.


If you have insomnia problems, the best thing you can do istake care of doctor For your professional advice. He will prescribe the appropriate medication if you need it and give you the best advice.but At Mercadona you have another more comfortable option with natural ingredients.

This is what Mercadona’s sleeping pills look like

Mercadona continues to innovate its products

Deliplus has launched a product to help you sleep and rest better.These are sleeping pills They can be purchased at Mercadona without a prescription.. They contain the following ingredients:

  • Melatonin

  • Plant extracts

  • magnesium

  • Vitamin B6

The key is Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the human body when there is insufficient light and has functions such as regulating the biological clock. This determines when we should and shouldn’t nap, which can change if your sleep schedule is irregular or you’ve been sleeping very little for a while.

Can Deliplus capsules really treat insomnia?

Deliplus Sleep Capsules, available at Mercadona

The ingredients are natural, which is why it can be sold outside pharmacies and does not require doctor approval. In plant extracts, escholzina, found in California poppy, recognized by the European Medicines Agency Fight insomnia.

Magnesium, another ingredient in these pills, also boosts melatonin production. Vitamin B6 is metabolized together with this hormone. Therefore, all ingredients have their validity. Most consumer opinions are the end of the day Nothing beats going to a professional, but this Mercadona treatment can be a great solution to your problem.

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