What is FTD?The degenerative disease Bruce Willis suffered from

written in entertainment he

At the beginning of this year, in February, we informed you that Actor Bruce Willis diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia a disease also known as FTD.

This happened just a few months after he announced he was retiring from the stage due to cancer. aphasiawhich can affect your ability to speak.

The outlook for both cases is complicated, but even so, As it turned out, his family was relieved to finally have a clear diagnosis.

In February this year, his ex-wife Demi Moore He shared a statement on social networks, accompanied by a photo of the artist, in which He thanked all viewers for their attention to the translation of “Unkillable”.

“Since we announced the diagnosis of Bruce’s aphasia in the spring of 2022, the condition has progressed and we now have a more specific diagnosis: frontotemporal dementia (known as FTD),” the actress wrote.

Demi Moore’s post about the actor’s situation. (screenshot)

What is FTD?

According to the Frontotemporal Lobe Degeneration Association (AFTD), “It is the most common form of dementia in people under 60,” However, it is worth noting that Willis is currently 68 years old.

It is also known as Pick’s disease and it is characterized by different brain diseases Caused by degeneration of the frontal and/or temporal lobes of the brain.

Symptoms include Difficulties planning activities and communication issues.

over time, Represents additional challenges such as pneumonia, infection, or injury from a fall.

The actor is 68 years old.Image source: EFE

Unfortunately, after diagnosis, Life expectancy is 7 to 13 years, exist Pneumonia is the leading cause of death.

Apart from that, so far, no cure Slow or stop the progression of the disease.

How is Bruce Willis doing now?

A few days ago, the creators of the seriesmoonlight‘, Glenn Gordon Cullen declared in an exclusive interview new york postwho tried to visit the actor every month and noted that, unfortunately, He can no longer read or speak.

“He’s not exactly a man of words; he used to be a voracious reader (he didn’t want anyone to know), but now he doesn’t read. All these language skills are no longer available to him but Still the blues“, the producer said.

Glenn Gordon Caron is a close friend of the actor.Image source: EFE

This way, FTD is a complex disease, This worries fans and family of Bruce Willis.

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