We enjoyed Emma Watson’s exclusive new gin.

Chez les Watsons, les businesss se font en famille. Between Royaum-Uni and France the queues are so intense, like Christophe, a father wanting to buy wine in Chablis more than thirty years ago, and now if children of that age participate in the life of the domaine. Passionate about spirits and wine, Alex supports his famous sister Emma Waston, inseparable from the Harry Potter saga as Hermione Granger, in launching a luxury gin brand. Baptiste Rene, as in the Renaissance, “il expresse une des nombreuses vie du raisin”“, explains the young man.

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Gin inspired by Chablis wines.

Gin Rene is made from raisins from Grand Cru Bourguignon, from Chablis Bien Sur, as well as from other appellations. After the first distillation, a piece of eau-de-vie from another Côte de la Channel should be infused with some botanical names such as Cubebe, tillel flowers, acacia honey and citrus fruits. “The idea is to bring back the minerality and saltiness of Chablis wines.” said Alex Watson. Emma and my desires for me to hear the Kimmeridgian terroir” And let me say that the results are particularly successful. Of the best aromas, genius, coriander and raisins make up a bouquet tout en fraicheur et en subtilité. This sweetener is reflected in a soft and moisturizing texture with an intense salty texture that makes your mouth water. The finale, very long and persistent, leaves a feeling of being kicked in the mouth, emphasized by epics.

Officially released for two weeks, Renais Gin will inspire more cocktails than le Emma, ​​a long drink with gin, Chablis and soda. In those days in Paris to present his creation on the stage of French mixology, Alex Watson captured les événements with a delightful British accent that delighted the son of excellent French. “The European market is an excellent target for our gin, thanks to Royaume-Uni.“, explore le jeune homme. Now turning to the Hôtel de Crillon bar, Les Ambassadeurs, Renais Gin will be available from early November at Drinks&Co.

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