The key to increasing the happiness hormone (serotonin) in your body

Serotonin: The key to boosting levels of the happiness hormone in your bodyPixar

Many times you have heard that happiness is Decide.It is true that there are many external factors that are beyond our control, but there are also other factors that depend on you and can help you improve your mood.


this serotoninAlso known as the happiness hormone, it is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood.Keeping your levels high doesn’t just help you feel good: it also helps keep your emotions in check appetitethis temperature Body, sexual desire and Dream.

How to produce more serotonin

The biggest key to increasing serotonin levels in your body is relieve pressure. Maintaining a calm lifestyle and relaxing every now and then will help you feel happy.practice Yogaread good books Book or put yourself in nature These exercises will help you.Yes, it is recommended to escape caffeine and Theophylline.

Another important condition is to live a healthy life.This involves carrying Healthy Food: reduce ultra-processed and sugar and eat foods rich in Vitamins, Omega-3 and Tryptophan. This will also help you better control your appetite. Apart from, practice sports It will help you produce more serotonin.

bask in the sunalthough always cautious and protective, will nourish you Vitamin D And it will improve your mood, too.On the other hand, you must sleepOK Allow your body to rest and prepare to produce more serotonin. It works: Happiness hormones also help control sleep.

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