Condoms do not protect against STIs and STDs

Wearing condoms can protect you from most STDs and infections, but not all!

While condom use may be at the top of your list of safe sex tips, it may not be 100% effective when it comes to STIs and STDs. According to the World Health Organization, more than one million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) occur worldwide every day, most of which are asymptomatic. Statistics also show that there are nearly 374 million new infections every year, a quarter of which are curable sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis.
Sexually transmitted infections and STDs are infections and diseases that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. Condoms can prevent most of these, but they never completely protect you. Let’s find out what STIs and STDs condoms can’t prevent.

Health Shots spoke to Dr Shwetha S Kamath, Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology, BirthRight, Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bengaluru, to understand the role of condoms in effectively preventing STIs and STDs.

Do condoms protect against all STIs and STDs?

Condoms are effective in reducing the risk of contracting most of these infections. “When used correctly, condoms are very effective and can create a barrier between sexual partners’ sexual fluids, thereby reducing the risk of most sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, gonorrhea and chlamydia,” Dr Kamath said.

A study published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine showed that condoms are 90% effective in providing protection against HIV, hepatitis B virus, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Another study published in the National Library of Medicine also showed that condoms can help protect women from trichomonas infection.
However, using condoms does not prevent skin-to-skin infections. “Some STIs and STDs, such as herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV), genital warts, syphilis and acne, can be spread through skin-to-skin contact, despite the use of condoms, because of their Nature, they can still spread. Transmitted through skin-to-skin contact.”

Dr. Kamath explains that during a herpes outbreak in the testicles, for example, the virus may be spread if those areas come into contact with a partner’s vulva or anus while using a condom.

Proper condom use includes using a new condom every time you have sex and disposing of it properly, among other things.

How to wear condoms correctly?

Condoms are your most powerful option. Condoms create a barrier to ensure that no bodily fluids come into contact with the vagina or rectum. If you want condoms to not only protect you from STIs and STDs, but also protect you from pregnancy, wearing them correctly is your first step.

  • Check the expiration date and use a new condom every time you have sex.
  • Put on a condom before any genital contact.
  • Be careful not to tear it. Additionally, using lubrication reduces the risk of breakage.
  • Roll it the right way. If you notice you’re using a condom the wrong way, throw it away and use a new one.
  • Make sure you wear a condom from the beginning to the end of sexual intercourse.
  • Discard the condom properly as it contains bodily fluids.Also read: 7 condom checks you must perform for safe sex

How to avoid STIs and STDs?

Not having sex is the only way to be 100% sure not to contract an STD or STI. But that’s impossible, right? Here are some tips for avoiding sexually transmitted infections and diseases.

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  • Use a condom: While they may not be 100 percent effective, they do go a long way in preventing STIs and STDs. Latex condoms are the best and have a lower breakage rate.
  • Limit the number of sexual partners: Monogamous sexual relationships are your best bet when it comes to preventing STIs and STDs. Having sex with multiple partners puts you at high risk.
  • Get regular STI testing: This is a must if you are sexually active. This can also help spread infection or disease further. Adhering to the HPV vaccination regimen and making regular appointments with your gynecologist are important steps in a comprehensive preventive health care routine.
  • Open communication: It’s crucial to talk honestly and openly with your partner about your sexual health.

What should you do if you get a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or sexually transmitted disease (STD)?

If you suspect you have a sexually transmitted infection or STD, you should consult a health care provider immediately for testing and treatment. “Early symptoms may include abnormal discharge, pain or pain during urination, perineal rash, persistent itching, irregular menstruation, lower abdominal pain and discomfort during intercourse,” Dr. Kamath said. Immediate medical attention is crucial to prevent complications and further spread. .”

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