Tips for peeling chestnuts | Three-minute trick to peel chestnuts

Nothing is more beautiful than autumn chestnut. Lucky ones who live near a chestnut forest can get the full experience: collecting chestnuts, roasting them and eating them.

There’s a handy trick to help with peeling, but since the skins are so tough, you can be a little lazy when preparing them.

The trick is to bleach them. To do this, it is necessary to make a cross-shaped incision in the chestnut or from one side to the other. Next, you have to put them in boiling water and then in a bowl with ice. You should take them out before they cool down and you can peel them quickly and easily.

Another option is to do it in the microwave. In this video we explain how.

How to cook them?

There are two simple ways to cook chestnuts. One of them is to prepare them in the oven.To do this, the oven must be set to Heating up and down to 200 degrees.The time depends a lot on the oven and the size of the chestnuts, but in general ten minutes each side enough.Although this is not the most common option, it is possible to parboil or cook chestnuts and prepare other recipes in this way, such as sauces, vegetable creams or candies… The disadvantage of this option is that it requires Which one is more laborious to peel raw chestnuts?

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