Allergies and respiratory diseases saturate health services –

Air quality is so poor that breathing becomes difficult The health effects are felt primarily by people who are at risk. Medical centers are seeing an increase in patients with respiratory problems, allergies and eye conditions, especially among children and the elderly.

health centre, and the hospital’s pediatric and emergency services, They reported that their rooms were saturated.

Measurements from surveillance equipment in the Santa Cruz Mayor’s Office show Air quality remains in the extremely poor range on Tuesdayin the capital municipality.

Although Montero does not make such measurements, The smoke that has enveloped the environment for days has taken a toll on the health of residents.

Director of the pediatric hospital, Jose Luis Quinteros, Patients with respiratory complications have been reportedIllnesses such as pneumonia and bronchitis, as well as conjunctivitis, flooded services.

“The room is almost full, There is no space. The environment has a great influence on children. In addition to respiratory problems, conjunctivitis is a common condition. With this smoke, the patient’s situation becomes complicated,” Quinteros said.

This hospital has eight beds On Tuesday, all patients with respiratory symptoms were full, so the emergency room had to temporarily free up space so minors wouldn’t go without help.

in the capital Smoke related cases return They hold the first place in healthcare.

at Mario Ortiz Hospitalmothers holding their children lined up outside the clinic to seek help. “My son can’t breathe. His chest and throat hurt and his eyes stung,” one said.

at the health center Last week, Willy Lemaitre’s following increased from 380 to 400 people.

Health Center Director, Ivette Rivera reports on arrival of children with respiratory illness, allergic types, such as asthma, bronchitis, etc. Some people experience these symptoms along with a fever. There are also eye irritations and other more complex conditions such as conjunctivitis.

Ana Gabriela Velasco was one of those seeking medical attention at the health center. He came with his nephew, who was only eight months old and had a blockage in his chest and a fever. “His eyes are swollen and he has a fever,” the aunt said before the child received his first nebulization treatment.


doctor warns Air pollution can cause many health problemsespecially children, because their lungs and immune systems are still developing, so they are more vulnerable, and they are more active in environments with high levels of pollutants, so due to differences in breathing rates and patterns, compared to adults , they received higher doses.

doctor Quinteros recommends avoiding exposure of children to the elements and the use of masks in case it is absolutely necessary for them to go out.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Smoke from forest fires is composed of a mixture of gases and small particles emitted by vegetation, building materials and other materials when burning. If there’s enough smoke in the air, they can even make healthy people sick.

Inhaling smoke can have health effects and cause complications, so it is recommended to see a doctor.

Symptoms and protection

Breathing air contaminated by wildfires can cause coughing, difficulty breathing normally, burning eyes, throat irritation, runny nose, sinus irritation, chest pain, headaches, asthma attacks, fatigue and increased heart palpitations.
It is recommended to wear a mask when exposed outdoors.

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