İsrail’den BM’ye vize Missillemesi – Son Dakika Dunya Haberleri

In Israel, BM Daimi Temsilcisi Gilad Erdan attacked Israel, and asked BM’nin Insani Иslerden Sorumlu Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı Martin Griffiths Halihazerda Verelmedigeni söyledi.

Erdan, “BM has been notified of a company order. Confidential information has been sent to General Secretary Martin Griffiths. More funds have been added to their bosses.”


BM Secretary General, António Guterres, announced his approval to refer Palestinians to Israel for “56 years of permanent residency” in 7 days from the date of “renewal of fans” in Israel. sterdi.

Konusmanin Ardendan Isril’in Desicheleri Pakani Eli Cohen, “Would you like to know if Sibib Omaz” or “Did you recognize this?” Deaf diy. Cohen Da Sonra BM yöneticisiyle görüşmesini iptal edeceğini açıkladı.

BM Daimi Temsilcisi Gilad Erdan was released in Israel and “BM’yi yönetme görevine uygun olmadığını” was released yesterday.

Guterres displays his Twitter posts at the top of the page.

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