Bird flu alert in Argentinian Antarctica: could seriously affect penguins | 26 Planet

Experts fear the disease is the “worst bird flu outbreak in history” and poses a “risk” to local species.

Bird flu alert in Argentinian Antarctica: could seriously affect penguins | 26 Planet
Avian Influenza. Photo: Photo by Viry Video.

they detected Major avian influenza viruses First time on the coast of Antarctica exist seabird.British researchers announced the news in the past few hours, saying it was “risk” For local species, e.g. penguin.

Presence of HPAI virus Confirmed in subantarctic skuasThis is a family of seabirds, according to a statement from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). The British Antarctic Survey is the registered organization for British researchers active in the region.Furthermore, they stated that the earth is alive “The worst bird flu epidemic in history.”

Bird flu outbreak in Argentine Antarctica. Video: Violi.

The virus’s presence in Antarctica is “dramatic news”, Via X (formerly Twitter) said Michelle Wille, an avian influenza expert at the University of Melbourne in Australia.

British researchers sample subantarctic skuas found dead They clarified that the South Georgia Islands, located offshore east of the southern tip of South America, are “not technically within the Antarctic continent.”

Bird flu outbreak in Argentine Antarctica. Photo: Photo by Viry Video. Bird flu outbreak in Argentine Antarctica. Photo: Photo by Viry Video.

In addition, researchers believe that the virus It was brought by some birds from South America, Tens of millions of poultry in areas affected by avian influenza over the past two years Destined to sacrificethey commented.

Researchers fear the disease could spread to the southern continent Threats to some species of penguins Experts concluded that they do not live elsewhere and therefore can never develop immunity to the pathogen.

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