Hospital massacre in Gaza: New York Times refutes Israel’s claims – Latest world news at the last minute

The attack on the Ahli Baptist Hospital, which has been recorded as the deadliest attack in the bombing of Gaza that Israel began on October 7, which killed 471 people, remains on the agenda.

Experts from the New York Times, one of the leading newspapers in the United States of America, examined in detail the Al Jazeera video distributed by the United States and Israel to support their claims that the Islamic Jihad movement was responsible for the attack on the hospital on October 17.

The experts concluded that the claims of US and Israeli officials and their analysis of the video were “incorrect.”

The experts concluded that the missile in the video “has nothing to do” with the explosion that occurred in the hospital. The experts stated that the missile shown here exploded in the air, but the attack on the hospital occurred 7 seconds after this explosion.

The missile was launched from Israel, not Gaza

In a New York Times story on the subject, it was noted that the Al Jazeera video was shared many times by the Israeli army on the X platform, and was used on various television channels.

In the news, “The New York Times concluded that the rocket in the video never came close to the hospital. This rocket was launched from Israel, not Gaza. The rocket exploded at least two miles from the hospital on the Israel-Gaza border.” expression has been used.

The news also said: “The New York Times findings do not answer the question of what caused the hospital explosion and who exactly caused it. Although it is still possible that Israeli and American intelligence agencies claimed that a malfunctioning Palestinian rocket caused this explosion.” “The Times analysis does not answer that.” Examined the evidence presented for this purpose.” “Finds it suspicious.” Assessment made.

Israel was bombing during the explosion

Al-Akhbar reported that, according to expert analysis, Israeli bombing was ongoing at the time the hospital was bombed, and that there were two explosions near the hospital in the two minutes before the hospital was bombed.

In his statement to the New York Times, Israeli army spokesman Nir Dinar said that they did not bomb the area near the hospital, but he did not give details about the extent of the bomb falling closest to the hospital.

The US just said “different comment.”

US intelligence officials claimed, in their statement yesterday, that the missile that appeared in the video broadcast by Al Jazeera was a “deactivated Palestinian missile.”

A senior intelligence official also said that the information revealed could change that conclusion, but that their confidence in their conclusion at the moment is “high.”

A US intelligence official, when asked by The New York Times about his findings, said only that the New York Times and US intelligence “interpreted the video in different ways.”

471 people lost their lives

Israeli forces targeted Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza on October 17. The Gaza Ministry of Health announced that 471 people were killed in the attack.

Latest developments in the Israeli attacks on Gaza

The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, launched a comprehensive attack on Israel on the morning of October 7, calling it the “Al-Aqsa Flood.”

The Israeli army also began attacking the Gaza Strip with dozens of warplanes.

It was reported that 1,400 Israelis, including 308 soldiers, were killed and 5,132 Israelis were injured in attacks carried out from Gaza.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that 6,546 people, including 2,704 children, 1,584 women and 364 elderly people, were martyred and 17,439 people were injured as a result of the Israeli attacks on Gaza.

He stated that more than 100 Palestinians were martyred in attacks by Israeli forces and Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank.

24 journalists lost their lives, including 20 Palestinians, 3 Israelis and one Lebanese.

In clashes between the Israeli army and Hezbollah on the Israeli-Lebanese border since October 8, 39 members of Hezbollah, 6 members of Islamic Jihad, 3 members of Hamas, and 2 members of the Hezbollah-backed Sunni Resistance Brigade were killed, including A journalist and 4 civilians were martyred.

Three Israeli soldiers and an Israeli civilian lost their lives in the attacks carried out by Lebanon.

(Tags for translation) Israel

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