France advises against flu drugs that may cause strokes: “31 on sale in Spain” – La Linterna

People are starting to notice the onset of cold temperatures and a new cold, cold and flu season has begun. I am sure that if you are affected by one of these viruses and you check your first aid kit you will find that one of the anti-flu medicines contains not only paracetamol but also other ingredients that in principle you think will help you get rid of those things that make you Symptoms make you uncomfortable, but are they safe?

Are flu medications safe?

Medical Director of COPE, Esteban Perez Almeidaexplained in flashlight What are flu medications: ‘They’re called Non-prescription drugs This is specifically for Relieve or stop symptoms caused by colds or flusuch as muscle discomfort, headache, stuffy nose, watery eyes, or sneezing.

Among these anti-flu drugs, there are different compounds, usually formulated based on the following ingredients: Acetaminophen, caffeine, pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine, and chlorpheniramine. “Today we must warn They are anti-flu medications that contain pseudoephedrine as an ingredient and we have to be careful.“, points out the doctor, recalling that the French health authorities have already advised against its use and send a clear message to the audience: “from now onI also suggest you try to avoid “Anti-influenza drugs containing these compounds.”

Reasons why pseudoephedrine is not recommended

When you have a cold, flu, coronavirus, or just allergies, the body responds by trying to expel the invader from our body. How is it done? : “Causes, among other mechanisms, swelling and dilation of blood vessels in the nose, with subsequent increased production of mucus, leading to nasal congestion that makes breathing difficult.”, points Pérez Almeida.

Doctors explain that in order to deal with this symptom, Pharmacologically developed pseudoephedrine The purpose is to slightly close the key to the blood vessel, cause vasoconstriction. In principle, it can reduce the annoying symptoms of nasal congestion, but the drug we take orally will not only reduce the blood supply of the nasal vessels, but also reduce the blood supply of the blood vessels of the brain or myocardium. “Myocardial infarction or stroke is possible.”

Are other EU governments taking steps?

Since February last year, the European Medicines Agency has decided to review such drugs. The EU took this measure because the consumption of such drugs may bring about the risk of diseases affecting the blood vessels of the brain.

“If we look at Spain, here As many as 31 drugs sold – some very popular ones – have been under EU surveillance since February and, given the history, My suggestion is that we avoid taking flu medications. Contains pseudoephedrine and those containing ephedrine, because in this case, according to the North American FDA expert committee, they are worthless,” advises Esteban Pérez Almeida.

2023/2024 Vaccination Campaign

The event has been held in all autonomous regions and Flu vaccination recommendations:

  • Population of children aged 6-59 months.
  • People ages 5 to 59 are at higher risk for complications from the flu.
  • People aged 5 to 18 years who require long-term treatment with acetylsalicylic acid due to the possibility of Reye’s syndrome following influenza.
  • smoker.
  • Students undertake internships at the Center for Health and Social Care.
  • People who have direct occupational contact with animals.

It is recommended that the following groups of people receive a combined influenza and COVID-19 vaccine:

  • Over 60 years old.
  • Children aged 5+ stay at the center.
  • People under 60 years of age with dangerous pathologies.
  • pregnant.
  • Health workers and essential public services.

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