Vaccination campaign in Castile and Leon

Castile and Leon has launched a joint vaccination campaign against influenza and COVID-19, including a new intranasal vaccine for children aged 24 to 59 months, and a new vaccine for children aged 6 to 23 months Vaccine administered intramuscularly. In an innovation, the flu vaccine will be given to children under the age of five.

According to the Junta of Castile and León, the vaccination campaign is planned according to population group criteria. In this way, the vaccination process began on October 3 at senior citizen centers or disabled care centers. The event will then continue to be open to the general public on October 10.

a data. During the vaccination campaign in Castile and León, babies born in October will also be vaccinated against bronchiolitis in hospitals, while those born between March and October are vaccinated in health centres.

(Vaccination campaign against coronavirus and influenza in Catalonia)

Which groups in Castile and Leon can already be vaccinated?

The vaccination campaign against COVID-19 and influenza in Castile and Leon targets the most vulnerable groups as well as health and social hygiene personnel. Therefore, it is recommended that the following groups of people receive a combination of vaccinations to prevent these infections:

  • Persons 60 years of age or older.
  • People aged five and above living in centers and nursing homes for persons with disabilities, as well as people long-term institutionalized and living in closed institutions.
  • People under 60 years of age with high-risk medical conditions such as diabetes, chronic cardiovascular, neurological or respiratory disease, anemia or hemophilia and cancer.
  • Pregnant women in any trimester of pregnancy and women in the postpartum period (up to 6 months postpartum and not vaccinated during pregnancy).
  • People who live with others who are highly immunosuppressed.
  • Staff in public and private health and social care centres.
  • Persons working in essential public services such as national security forces and corps, firefighters or civil protection.

Flu vaccination. In addition to the groups mentioned above, the Junta of Castile and León also recommends influenza vaccination:

  • Children under five years old (6 to 59 months old).
  • Education center staff at any educational level.
  • People ages 5 to 59 are at higher risk for flu complications, such as smokers.
  • Students undertake internships at the Center for Health and Social Care.
  • People who work on a farm, poultry farm, pig farm or mink farm or come into contact with wild animals.

How to book a vaccination in Castile and Leon

In order to receive the COVID-19 and influenza vaccines, residents of Castilla and León can make appointments through the usual channels:

Where to get vaccinated

As explained by the Junta of Castile and León, flu and COVID-19 vaccinations will take place in specific locations, depending on which group you belong to:

People who are housed in asylums

  • People living in senior centers will be vaccinated by health professionals from each health district in Castile and Leon, who will travel to these facilities to receive both vaccines.
  • In addition, their presence will be used to vaccinate professionals working in these centres.

health and social care staff

  • This group will be vaccinated in the workplace by referring to occupational health services.

People over 60 or under 60 with risk factors

  • Each health district will determine where this group of people can be vaccinated and how to make an appointment based on social, demographic, health status and other conditions.

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