These are signs your defenses are lower and you’ll be more susceptible to colds this winter

The cold season is coming, sneezing, runny nose, general discomfort, cough, fever… Therefore, autumn and winter These are the seasons when our immune systems are most impressed because we feel like our defenses are down and our immune systems are declining. More susceptible to cold and flu viruses.

When our defenses are weakened Increase chances of getting sick.Therefore, it is important to stay healthy The normal functioning of the immune system. this defense They play an important role in fighting diseases and pathogens. They protect the body from Various threats such as Viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and abnormal cells.

Of course, among these threats is the cold, which, although not serious, can cause unnecessary discomfort. Do you know how to build your defenses against the flu and colds? We tell you.

Symptoms of low defense

when. . .when The immune system is weakened and our defense cells cannot adequately protect us We can notice this through the following signs:

  • A lot of cold and others recurring infections And treatment is more expensive.
  • fatigue No apparent reason.
  • reduce s hair.
  • recurring infectionssuch as tonsillitis or viruses Herpes When defenses are low, viruses latent in the body are activated.
  • Wounds take longer to heal scar.
  • Dizziness and nausea.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • diarrhea.
  • elderly Yes and insomnia.

Can you tell the defense is low?

he The immune system is complex (it is made up of different cells and molecules) and There is no test to verify if it is weak.

The analysis doesn’t say the defense is “low.” People often say “my defenses must be low” but in reality there are no numbers in your body that are going down when your immune system is not at 100%.

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