2023 Flu Vaccine: Who, Where, When?

Today, Monday 16th Octobervaccination campaign against influenza and coronavirus begins Activities 2023-2024 It will end on January 31 next year.

he Purpose Flu and COVID-19 vaccine campaigns Reduce mortality and transmission rates Both viruses protect those at highest risk and with the most severe complications.

influenza is a viral diseases This affects more and more people and can have dangerous consequences, so it Eradication is increasingly common.

Get the flu shot you want Protect the most vulnerable As well as high-risk groups such as pregnant women, patients with chronic diseases, and children…

Flu Vaccine-2023

The joint vaccination campaign will be nursing home, Started with Seniors over 65 years old and medical staff.

The vaccination group will gradually expand until it reaches child population. A novel This year’s implementation includes Children 6 to 59 months Calculated based on intranasal anti-influenza doses administered to 30,000 children.

Where can I get a flu shot?

The population is 60 years old and 12 to 59 years old group they must go health Centermake an appointment at the Primary Health Center of the Community of Madrid, always following the vaccination schedule set by the Community of Madrid.

When can I get the flu shot?

Starting today, Monday, October 16th to October 27th Vaccination is only available to the following groups of people 65 years and older.

since that day October 30 to January 31, 2024 The remaining groups will be vaccinated.

Influenza Vaccine-2023-Madrid

Who should get the flu vaccine?

  • people from 60 years and above.
  • People under 60 years old risk profile.
  • pregnant
  • cohabitant People with high levels of immunosuppression
  • Health and Social Wellness Center Staff public and private
  • people’s basic public services: National Army and Security, Firefighters, Civil Defense

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