Raid on Gaza by Israeli tanks – latest world news at the last minute

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    Following the operation launched by the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, against Israel, on the morning of October 7, under the name “Al-Aqsa Flood,” the Israeli attacks on Gaza continued for the twentieth day.

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    Israeli attacks on Gaza continue. Israel, which has been subjected to heavy bombardment on the region for days, launched a ground raid this time. The Israeli army entered Gaza with tanks and bulldozers. The largest raid was carried out in northern Gaza since October 7.

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    The Israeli army announced that many “terrorist cells” were targeted in the “targeted” raid. The sites where anti-tank missiles were launched in the northern Gaza Strip were bombed by tanks. The army announced that all ground forces had returned to Israel after the raid. He stated that the raid was preparation for the next stages of the war.

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    50 Israeli hostages were claimed during the Israeli attacks on Gaza

    The Al-Qassam Brigades announced that 50 of the Israeli hostages it has held have died so far in the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip. No statement has been issued from Israel yet.

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    Ground operation message to Gaza

    Israel is preparing for a large-scale ground operation in Gaza, despite mounting pressure from the international community. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that preparations for the ground operation are continuing. He stated that the War Council would unanimously decide when to carry out the operation. The Israeli leader repeated the call for civilians in Gaza to go south.

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    Prior to Netanyahu’s statements, the US administration allegedly asked Israel to postpone the operation. Washington allegedly asked Israel not to begin a ground operation until it reinforces its bases in the Middle East with air defense systems. Israel also agreed.

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    Biden: There will be no return to the old situation

    However, President Joe Biden denied the Wall Street Journal report, which was based on the Pentagon. Biden said that he did not ask Israel to postpone the operation. The US President stated that there would be no return to the situation between Israel and Palestine before the Hamas attacks on October 7. He expressed his belief that peace depends on the two-state solution.

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    Russian President Vladimir Putin also warned that the conflict may extend beyond the Middle East. “It is wrong for women, children and the elderly to die because of other people’s crimes,” Putin said.

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    However, the international community failed to temporarily stop the fighting to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza. Russia and China used their veto power against the draft resolution submitted by the United States to the UN Security Council. The United Arab Emirates also rejected the draft law, which was supported by 10 members. Both members abstained from voting. The draft resolution submitted by Russia for a broader ceasefire did not receive a sufficient number of votes.

  • (tags for translation)Gaza

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