Family doctor requires early flu vaccination

Given the likelihood of the case influenza Winter “leading again” Spanish Society of Family and Community Physicians (SEMFYC) It is recommended that influenza vaccination be brought forward to October, especially for the most vulnerable groups.

However, current forecast models suggest that the economy will resume recovery in 2023. pre-pandemic levels, A single flu peak occurs between February and March.

“In any case, given the possibility influenza cases, Vaccination is recommended, mainly for particularly vulnerable groups, such as those over 59 years of age; those under 60 years of age and cohabitants – with immunosuppression; people with chronic cardiac, respiratory, renal, liver or diabetic diseases; pregnant women and society health care providers. Likewise, this year for the first time all children aged 6 to 59 months are included in the recommendations, not just the most vulnerable,” they noted.

Children aged 6 to 59 months will be able to receive a single-dose flu vaccine for the first time

semFYC Infectious Disease Working Group SpokespersonJose Maria Morero“As the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is controlled through vaccination of high-risk groups and preventive antiviral treatment, it is likely to have less interference with the spread of respiratory viruses such as influenza or coronaviruses,” the review said. RSV (respiratory syncytial virus); the evolution of annual influenza epidemics is more similar to pre-pandemic years. “

A degree of immunity lost during 2020 and 2021 has gradually been restored at the population level. So, while unpredictable, SemFyc assures that “activity is expected to return to levels similar to these.” years before the pandemic Looks more like these classic epidemics.

This year, smokers are also included in the group to receive the vaccine, regardless of their age.Also recommended Vaccination Persons with direct occupational contact with animals or their secretions.

These are the dates for the vaccination campaign in the Autonomous Community of Madrid

On the other hand, “They should also get vaccinated.” pregnant, Because they are at high risk for complications from the flu. “Experts point out, “As long as you have not been vaccinated during pregnancy, it is recommended to be vaccinated in any three months of pregnancy or even within six months after delivery. “

Likewise, people who live with high-risk groups should also be vaccinated to protect them; as well as all staff in health and social care centers, including health science students and those working in essential public services, such as futurists.national security forces, Firefighter or Civil Defense.

Whooping cough resurgence has led to more than 1,100 cases and 42 children hospitalized since June

Ana Pilar Javierre, coordinator of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Vaccine Group at PAPPS, explains the differences between vaccines Coronavirus disease Regarding the flu vaccine, it is not seasonal, so vaccination is required at any time of the year, as long as “at least three months have passed since the last infection or since the last COVID-19 vaccine.”

“It’s also interesting to remember that management Flu vaccine Used alongside the COVID-19 vaccine in the same vaccination campaign, albeit at two different anatomical locations. None of them have been shown to reduce immunity, nor to increase reactivity or side effects of any of them. This is a safe and effective combination of two vaccines,” Javier said.

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