Tarazona lowers IBI to cushion households from inflation

Tarazona lowers IBI to cushion households from inflationnewspaper.

The Tarazona City Council’s plenary meeting held last Wednesday approved changes to the Real Estate Tax (IBI) tax regulations, reducing the tax rate by 0.74%, including 0.73% in urban areas and 0.8% in urban areas. Paperback 0.79%, including In fact, the amount of annual bills residents pay for the concept fell by more than 1.35%.

According to the city government team, this measure “Aimed to mitigate loss of purchasing power” “The pain Tarazona citizens are experiencing when shopping, filling up gas, or paying rising mortgage rates.”

Mayor Tono Jaray stressed that this is one of the first fiscal regulatory measures that the city team hopes to implement in 2024 In this case, “it has to be applied because this is our commitment and we said we would do it based on our possibilities.”

«All families in our city will benefit equally Finance Councilor Ana Cristina Sainz acknowledged that this does not in any case mean losses for the municipal coffers, as this is completely justified and acceptable on a budgetary basis.

Likewise, he added, reducing real estate taxes is possible “Thanks to good management and cost savings in recent years”which made it possible to reduce debt and have more than 3.4 million euros in remaining treasury funds.

City team reiterates commitment Review of tax regulations will continue in this Legislatureaiming to improve their application and introduce possible bonuses.

gastroenteritis outbreak

The gastroenteritis outbreak took up a large portion of the ordinary plenary session of the Turiazon town council. First of all, it is agreed that Approved management tasks of the Aragon Water Institute protocol for urgent action to eradicate Cryptosporidium parvum In terms of water supply.

Jaray announced that Tarazona will be the first of the four affected cities to have a hybrid UV installation. “we believe By mid-November, we can now rely on this groundbreaking innovation to provide us with permanent security against emerging diseases.», he explained.

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