Borrell’den BM Genel Sekreter Guterres’e destek

BM Güvenlik Konseyi’ndeki açıklamalarının ardından ISRAIL’in tepki göstererek istediği Birleşmiş BM Genel Sekreteri Antonio Guterres’e AB’den destek geldi was appointed. Josep Borrell, the Prime Minister of Israel, announced his political escalation, Guterres announced his political escalation, and Guterres escalated to Israel, threatening him. . Burrell, Guterres saved his life from collapsing and unlocked 7 Ekimden once and helped him get rid of this disease. “Orta, her husband, his crazy character, Guterres, and BM were shocked,” Borrell said.

Guterres ni Dimashti?

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the BM, announced on October 24 that Hamas in Israel had extended its stay in Kabul, after it seized power in Kabul. 56 years completely cut off. They are often used, economically, economically, and in a different way and the environment is the same. ı.

In his statements, Guterres said, “This is related to the decisions of Hamas that Hamas has been making for a long time.” demişti.

(tags for translation)Antonio Guterres

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