Tampico woman dies from food poisoning; his partner remains hospitalized – Zócalo Newspaper

Mexico City. – A woman was poisoned and died after eating it food They bought it in the store, then prepared it at home, and now National Council for Health Risk Prevention (Coepris) research.

“Coepris is investigating the matter,” according to information from the Tamaulipas Health Secretariat, which has conducted prompt follow-up on the case.

Just earlier this week, the death of a Tampico woman was recorded after she and her partner ate the food they bought; however, the man is currently hospitalized in a hospital in the city.

this Woman died of acute gastroenteritisTherefore, after the case was reported, a corresponding investigation into the food began.

The details are The couple bought fish, some olives, vegetables and they even had to analyze the water they consumed.as a variety of products are used for analysis.

In the same week, you can get the results based on surveys and sampling conducted by Coepris, To determine what caused the woman’s death.

Exclude that the product has been consumed in restaurantsthis version gained influence on social networks.

Based on information provided by Milenio.

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