Here’s the ultimate trick to extend its life and keep it fresh longer – Enséñame de Ciencia

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Broccoli is one of the most popular vegetables when preparing dishes with fresh ingredients, making delicious salads or green juices. And, because of its unique flavor, we love eating it steamed, so we’ll probably never be short of this delicious vegetable in our refrigerator. It’s no wonder, because it provides us with a large amount of vitamin C and dietary fiber, a small amount of selenium, and is also rich in lutein and carotenoids, making it a model of the genus. Brassica Among them, carotenoids have the highest content. Likewise, we can get the right amount of beta-carotene.

One of the many advantages this delicious green food has to offer us is that regular consumption of it helps prevent heart disease, and for men, consuming large amounts of this vegetable is beneficial in preventing aggressive prostate cancer.

Since broccoli is a very fresh vegetable, it is necessary to know how to store it properly because broccoli does not like hot climates, so it may wilt or spoil quickly if we do not act quickly. Therefore, we are left with only two options: eat it immediately after buying it, or know the perfect way to keep its properties intact. If you have tried everything and still don’t know how to keep this vegetable fresh for longer, you are in the right place because this time we bring you a trick that will help your broccoli stay fresh for up to Two weeks. Note that this is what you have to do to achieve it.

Keep broccoli fresh longer with this simple trick

The first thing you should know is that you need to choose the best parts of the market because this way you will also ensure that your broccoli stays fresher for longer. If the broccoli bunches have a uniform dark green color, you’ve chosen high-quality broccoli. If you notice that broccoli flowers have a yellowish tint, avoid buying them because even if you try various preservation methods, they won’t work and the broccoli may taste bad.

It is important not to wash the broccoli slices before applying this tip as the water that may remain between the florets can cause the vegetables to rot or spoil, so you just need to check them for worms or any unusual elements. Normal; if any , just remove it with a napkin. With that done, let’s move on to the tips.

First, cut off a bit of the stem with a knife and place it in a glass filled with water, making sure the water doesn’t spill out. You’ll then cover the pile with a clean plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator, where it will keep for up to two weeks. In addition, the water needs to be changed every two days to ensure sufficient moisture. When you use it, all you have to do is wash and disinfect it well.

Image source: 123RF

We know that there are other ways to preserve it, but we recommend that you follow this simple tip and we assure you that you will ensure that all of your broccoli stays extremely fresh and that you will be able to make the best with this delicious vegetable Dishes.

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