Not enough flu vaccine to arrive in Coahuila Mexico News

Not enough flu vaccine arrives in Coahuila That’s why it’s important for citizens to prioritize vulnerable groups who really need such doses, said Alfonso Carrillo, director of the city’s public health department.

He added that although young people are more resistant to the virus, their family units may not have the necessary defenses and are easily infected, so it is necessary Take extreme precautions to avoid serious or fatal consequences for your health.

“The ideal situation would be for most people to be protected so that they are not easily spread. We know that teenagers have some natural resistance to infection, but carrying the virus They can bring them into the house and contaminate children or the elderly, So the ideal scenario would be for all of us to get vaccinated. “The director of the Municipal Health Bureau said.

“The ideal vaccine is the quadrivalent vaccine, which is also the vaccine that the Ministry of Health will apply, but if there is no vaccine suitable for everyone, we must prioritize high-risk groups Reduce chances of complications and death. If vaccinations decrease, cases will naturally increase,” he said.

What is influenza?

Influenza, commonly known as “influenza”, It is a contagious respiratory disease caused by a virus of the same name. These viruses infect the respiratory system, including the nose, throat and lungs, and can cause a variety of symptoms of varying severity.

For some people, the flu can be a mild illness, but for others it can cause serious complications, especially for high-risk individuals such as the elderly, young children, pregnant women, and people with chronic medical conditions. crowd.Serious complications may include Pneumonia, hospitalization and even death.

Flu vaccine.

Benefits of getting the flu vaccine

Importantly, the flu vaccine is safe and effective for most people.However, some people may have contraindications or limitations to taking it, so this is necessary Consult a health professional before getting vaccinatedespecially if you have any specific medical concerns.

We will immediately show you the benefits of applying biotechnology.

  • prevent disease
  • Reduce the spread of the virus
  • Protection of high-risk groups
  • Reduce the burden on the health system
  • Fewer days absent from school and school
  • ongoing protection

The organism has four strains of the virus, the most common in the human population.

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