Influenza incidence in Murcia | Respiratory viruses are on the rise in the region, but not as intensely as in other years

Respiratory viruses on the rise in Murcia region, but not as strong as in other yearsJuan Carlos Cabal

Summer seems to be coming to an end in the Murcia region, as usual, summer seems to be coming to an end in the Murcia region. respiratory viruses in the population. Flu, coronavirus and bronchiolitis In babies, they appear again in patients coming to consultations and hospitals.

At this time, Iincidence The number of acute respiratory infection cases in primary care in the region is 566 per 100,000 inhabitants.According to the agency’s latest report surveillance system The Department of Health releases weekly in Week 42 (October 16-22) Positive rate increased by 10% The incidence of these respiratory viruses, particularly infant influenza, bronchitis, and acute bronchiolitis.

Nonetheless, experts Call for calmbecause in the community “our levels are lower than expected for this time of year. However, COVID-19 cases appear to be down now compared to a few weeks ago,” the doctor explained. Enrique BernalHead of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Queen Sofia National Hospital. In just a few weeks, the region’s coronavirus incidence has nearly halved. “We were at the peak of our revenue, especially in September, and now it’s down,” he added.

However, critical care doctors insist it is crucial to remind people “The flu is coming” Personal hygiene measures, especially vaccination campaigns, are the best defense. “Last year there was a big flu and the revenue was very high, more than any other season,” he recalled.

So, remember, vaccination is Find ways to reduce your risk of more serious illness If you have coronavirus or the flu. “Despite the World Health Organization lifting the international health emergency alert, the coronavirus continues to spread and may continue to cause harm, particularly among the most vulnerable groups, such as those over sixty years old and those with comorbidities. And, of course, among health care workers.

A pediatrician from Murcia expressed the same sentiment. Antonio Ioffrioalthough he believed that at this time there was a «Respiratory tract infections increased slightly Children and some coronavirus outbreaks,” which coincides with other years The incidence of cases is higher.

Iofrio blames this on Improving bronchiolitis immunity data Newborns and infants under six months since the end of September last year, and School vaccination Preventing influenza in children 3 and 4 years old.

«Our impression is that the immune response to respiratory syncytial virus, which causes bronchiolitis, has Very popular with families». The pediatrician said the same thing happened with schoolchildren: “Almost all children who needed to be vaccinated were vaccinated at school.”

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