Avian Flu: RS government registers more than 500 deaths in 1 month; most among mammals | Rio Grande do Sul

Hundreds of marine animals die from bird flu symptoms

Rio Grande do Sul state government is investigating 552 Aquatic mammalsbetween leões-marinhos and lobos-marinhos, Who suspects bird flu?.

Mammals live in the following focal areas:

Marine animals found dead were buried to avoid the spread of avian influenza viruses — Photo: Reprodução/RBS TV

Focus on areas where avian influenza has been confirmed in one or more animals. Another focal point in the states of São José Norte and Rio Grande do Sul is the Moreu seabird.

According to the government, notification of these cases will begin on September 30, with positive results confirmed on October 3.

The Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Sustainable Production and Irrigation clarified that avian influenza is caused by all animals found dead or sick. No new tests were performed on animals of already detected species, The second direction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (picture).

At this time, there is no contagion between humans or respected animals.

You all need to be buried to prevent the spread of the virus. The government has been vigilant about beachgoers looking for dead or sick animals. It is also recommended to avoid bringing pets to the beach.

Bird flu: ICMBio researchers monitor Ilha dos Lobos in Torres

Last week, Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio) discovered 63 wolves and 2 sea lions while monitoring the marine animal nature reserve Ilha dos Lobos on Torres Beach. Everyone pretends to be nice.

This week, however, we suggest you stop being seen. Marine biologist Helen Borges said: “Although the number of animal deaths has decreased on the island, we do not see such numbers of animal deaths on the beach coast and in neighboring cities, which is why some people still cannot specify s reason.”

The decrease may be related to periods of migration to other coasts, followed by specialists.

At Hermenegildo Beach in Santa Vitória do Palmar, county officials collected the irresistible animals. “This problem has happened elsewhere in the Americas, in the United States, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. It is sad that this is happening and I am sad because it is the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) Lauro Barcellos, Director of the Maritime Museum, said:

Since RS Beach is one of Uruguay’s vizinhas, an outbreak of bird flu has also been confirmed there. This time of year, lions and sea lions migrate to the northern coast of RS.

Map confirms the absence of RS cases of avian influenza in leões-marinhos — Photo: Divulgação – Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária

The cases of avian influenza in marine animals do not change Brazil’s status with the World Health Organization as an avian influenza-free country because the disease is not registered in commercial production.

Note that the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock clarified that it does not count animal numbers but identified disease outbreaks. In organotypic computing, three foci exist in marine mammals: RS and SC.

The ministry is also stepping up public information to avoid contact with dead birds or aquatic mammals, stressing that there are no risks in consuming uninspected eggs.

The Ministry of Environment also specifically emphasized that it will take joint actions with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and the two state and municipal governments to reduce the spread of the virus.

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