Health departments begin vaccinating people over 60 years old and professional groups against influenza and COVID-19

Andalusia begins The third phase Vaccination campaign against influenza and COVID-19 2023/2024 starting on 9 October, in which both vaccines will be available People over 60 years oldand others professional bodysuch as security forces and institutions, prison institutions or ranchers’ institutions.

The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs thanks Andalusians for their responsibility and commitment to the current coverage figures, just three weeks after the campaign began. at the moment, Nearly 50% of people over 85 and more than 25% of people over 70 have been vaccinated.Likewise, around 30,000 children aged 6 to 59 months and 85% of people in nursing homes vaccinated with doses for influenza and coronavirus.

The 2023/2024 influenza and COVID-19 vaccination campaign will begin with vaccinations for people in nursing homes and disability centres, people over the age of 85 and health and social care professionals. Since October 16, people over 70 years old, children 6 months or older, adolescents and adults with chronic diseases, highly dependent people in their families and their professional caregivers, pregnant women and postpartum women have also been vaccinated against influenza . Suitable for children 6 to 59 months old. Starting in December, family members of people over 60, those with chronic illnesses and those in at-risk situations will receive flu and coronavirus vaccines.

The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs recommends that all target groups receive influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations to effectively and safely prevent serious infections from these viruses and avoid hospitalization. Likewise, it recognizes and values ​​the efforts of health professionals, especially nurses, to ensure timely vaccinations.

For this event, the Junta de Andalusia obtained Influenza vaccinations increased by 7.5% compared to 2022,this means Total 2.2 million. This increase is largely due to one of the campaign’s most striking innovations: the lowering of the starting age for adult influenza vaccination, which will now begin at age 60, just as it is for the COVID-19 vaccine.

People in the target group can request Make an appointment by phone via the Salud Responde app ClicSalud+ or in your Clinic.

Regarding the coverage of the anti-influenza campaign in 2022-2023, more than 70% of the population over the age of 65 and 46% of the population of children between 6 and 59 months in Andalusia have been vaccinated, which for the first time has been included in the systematic vaccination 81.3% of pregnant women and 50.6% of health and social hygiene professionals.

Specifically, from October 3, 2022 to the end of April 2023, a total of 1,953,383 doses of vaccine were administered, an increase of 206,662 doses compared to the 2021-2022 campaign, making it the campaign with the highest number of influenza doses administered in the history of Andalusia.

to get More information Regarding the 2023/2024 influenza and COVID-19 vaccination campaign, you can check the link

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