The ideal breakfast to eliminate LDL and sugar for good

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Discover the most recommended breakfasts for lowering cholesterolPixel

High cholesterol is a common health problem that can have serious consequences on our bodies if not treated properly.. It is a fatty substance produced in the liver and found in certain foods.Our bodies need cholesterol to produce hormones and keep cells healthy, but When our blood contains too much of a substance, it can build up on the walls of our arteries. and cause health problems.


Risks of high cholesterol include heart disease, stroke and other serious health problems. When cholesterol builds up in artery walls, it narrows the arteries and makes blood flow more difficult. If an artery is completely blocked, a heart attack or stroke may occur.

How to fight high cholesterol

If levels are beyond optimal, LDL (bad) cholesterol must be lowered and HDL (good) cholesterol levels must be increased.

Fortunately, There are many ways to combat high cholesterol. One of the most effective ways is to change our eating reducing the amount Saturated fat and trans fat What we eat and increase our intake Fiber and lean proteinwe can lower our cholesterol and improve our overall health.

In addition to changing eating habits, it is also important to adjust your diet exercise regularly. Exercise can help lower cholesterol and improve heart and circulatory health. Most experts recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day to stay healthy.

Healthy living is necessary

To stay healthy during the summer, staying hydrated is crucial.

Other ways to combat high cholesterol include Quit smoking, cut back on alcohol and take prescribed medications reduce cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol levels, be sure to talk to your doctor to determine the best way to address your health problem.

High cholesterol is a serious health problem that can have negative effects on our bodies. Fortunately, there are many ways to combat high cholesterol, including changing your diet, exercising regularly, quitting smoking, and taking prescription medications.when doing Positive changes in our lifestyleswe can lower our cholesterol and improve our overall health.

What to eat for breakfast to lower blood sugar and cholesterol

Scrambled eggs with vegetables.

If your levels of these parameters are too high, you must combat them through diet and habits. American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association They suggest some dishes you can add to your breakfast to start your day in the best possible way. You can combine them according to your preference.

  • oatmeal: The best source of carbohydrates and an important ally in the fight against LDL cholesterol, it can be eaten with different accompaniments such as milk or fruit.
  • Scrambled eggs: Despite the common belief that eggs are very bad for cholesterol, it must be said that eating a few eggs a week is very healthy, and as long as you avoid fried eggs, scrambled eggs are a very interesting option to have with any meal. Vegetable pairing. That day.
  • Whole wheat toast with avocado: It’s not the most common combination, but this fruit lowers cholesterol and provides the healthiest fats.
  • Original Greek yogurt: A common breakfast with very little fat and sugar, it is also effective in improving digestion and has many possible combinations.

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