Alex Lahey – The answer is always yes

Alex Lahey Just out of their third LP is back with, exactly four years after her confidant “The Best of Luck Club”.

Alex Lahey – The answer is always yes
Credit: Pune Ghana

In “The Answer Is Always Yes”, Albert Park original composer Victoria analyzes her otherness through different lenses than her two previous works, from alienation influences to surrealism and humour.

He says Alex,

Living in a world that isn’t made for you makes you stronger and more adaptable, and you have fun. It also makes you realize how absurd everything is. With this record I wanted to be weird because the world is weird and even more so when you realize you’re not always yourself in it.

The album opens with “Good Time”, a piece co-written with renowned producer jackknife lee ,u 2, Taylor Swift): If the opening recalls the indie-rock of its compatriot Courtney BarnettThe song then continues with a decidedly more pop atmosphere, where the melodies designed with guitar and electronic elements are really pleasant and enjoyable.

The following “Congratulations”, on the other hand, completely transforms with a guitar alt-rock with pressing tones that remind us pixiesWhile its sweet sensibilities are always on target.

Next in “Standing”, with decidedly calmer rhythms, lahey She complains about the time off at home during the lockdown: however, towards the end of the song, her soft guitar lo-fi unexpectedly turns into something more energetic, powerful, explosive and punky.

If “On the Way Down” takes us into exciting and pounding punk-pop territories with bright choruses ready to explode and garner them new visibility, then “They Won’t Let Me In” posts with its driving bassline. Goes into post-punk land, on the other hand, often delivers a darker but equally interesting atmosphere.

A good indie-rock album that doesn’t disdain to dip into pop, maintains a high quality level as always and shows a significant new progression by the thirty year old Australian songwriter.

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