Amnesty International reveals evidence that Israel used white phosphorus

Amnesty International reveals evidence that Israel used white phosphorus

Evidence confirming the presence of white phosphorus

The statement stated that white phosphorus, an incendiary material commonly used to create dense smoke curtains and identify targets, reaches extremely high temperatures when exposed to the air and often causes fires in the area where it is thrown.

While white phosphorus has been reported to cause terrible injuries in people, including respiratory damage, organ failure, and burns that are extremely difficult to treat and cannot be extinguished with water, it has been emphasized that the use of this weapon often has fatal consequences, even if it affects… On only 10 percent of the body.

He stated that the evidence examined by Amnesty International showed that Israel used white phosphorus in its attacks on Al-Dahaira, an area where civilians live, and said, “Amnesty International’s Crisis Evidence Laboratory confirmed videos and photographs showing the use of white phosphorus bullets in the attacks.” Al-Dhahra on October 16.” Information included.

The statement stated that researchers affiliated with the organization met with Mukhtar Al-Dhahira, in addition to a resident of the town, a paramedic, and an emergency room doctor working in the hospital where injured civilians were treated, to confirm this.

The team collected convincing evidence showing that white phosphorus was also used in attacks on Al-Dhahira and the border towns of Al-Marri and Aita Al-Shaab on October 10-16; It is noteworthy that he confirmed the authenticity of the videos and photos of these attacks.

Witness testimonies about the use of white phosphorus

The statement quoted Haitham Nasr, an emergency room doctor at the Lebanese Italian Hospital, as saying that on October 16 and 17, medical teams treated 9 people suffering from shortness of breath and coughing in the towns of Dhahira, Yarin, and Marwahin. And that these people inhaled white phosphorus.

Ali Safi al-Din, director of the Civil Defense Department in Tire, reportedly told Amnesty International that they had received reports of “bombs that produce a very bad smell and cause suffocation when inhaled,” and that several people from the area were taken to hospital due to suffocation.

“We couldn’t even see our hands because of the thick white smoke that covered the town all night and continued until the morning of October 17,” Safi Al-Din said. It was emphasized that their statements “consistent with the definition of white phosphorus.”

In the statement, the mayor of Al-Dhahirah, Abdullah Al-Gharib, stated that white phosphorus began being used at around 16:00 local time on October 16, and said:

“The city was covered in a very bad smell and a huge cloud, so much so that we could not see more than 5-6 meters in front of us. This caused people to flee their homes in panic. When some returned after two days, they ran away from their homes.” It is still burning, cars are on fire, and areas of the land have caught fire. I got burned. To this day, you can still find fist-sized residue that ignites again when exposed to air.”

It was noted that Amnesty International’s Crisis Evidence Lab analyzed a video recorded by a resident in his backyard on 25 October, which showed a mat covered in white phosphorus re-igniting when it struck a rock.

The statement stressed that white phosphorus can ignite again when exposed to oxygen, even weeks after its use.

The statement said that white phosphorus should never be used in areas where civilians live, and added: “This attack, which resulted in the injury of civilians and damage to civilian objects in Dhahira, is indiscriminate and therefore unlawful. This must be investigated as an attack.” A war crime.” The statement was confirmed.

The statement said that Amnesty International also confirmed videos taken in Dhahira on 10 and 13 October, showing the use of white phosphorus.

“The use of white phosphorus is appalling.”

Aya Majzo, the organization’s deputy regional director for the Middle East and North Africa, whose views were included in the statement, said:

“The indiscriminate use of white phosphorus by the Israeli army, in violation of international humanitarian law, is appalling. The illegal use of white phosphorus in the Lebanese town of Dhahira on October 16 has seriously endangered the lives of civilians, many of whom were taken to hospitals.” And the displaced people, and their homes and cars caught fire.”

Majzo stressed his concern about the intensification of conflicts in southern Lebanon, recalling Israel’s commitment to stop using white phosphorous weapons in 2013.

“The Israeli army must immediately stop the use of white phosphorus, especially in densely populated areas,” Majzo said. “It must remain true to its commitment and stop further endangering the lives of civilians in Lebanon.” He said.

“White phosphorus was also used in Aita al-Shaab and al-Marri.”

It was noted that the organization analyzed video clips showing the towns of Aita al-Shaab and al-Mari, near the border area, being bombed with white phosphorus.

The statement said that two videos taken around Al Marri on October 10 also showed the use of white phosphorus.

A video and 5 photographs were reportedly found showing Israeli forces using a mixture of white phosphorous bullets and high-explosive artillery shells in their attack on Aita al-Shaab on 15 October.

Information about the Israeli army’s inventory

It was noted that in photos taken by an AFP correspondent near the Lebanese border on October 18, 155 mm white phosphorus smoke bullets were seen lined up for use next to the Israeli army’s M109 howitzers.

It is confirmed in the images that the ammunition in question is also marked “M825A1” and “D528”, which are used by the US Department of Defense identification code for “white phosphorus based ammunition”.

It has been revealed that it has also been used in Gaza

Amnesty International confirmed that the Israeli military units bombing Gaza were equipped with white phosphorus artillery shells, saying: “White phosphorus causes terrible suffering and life-altering injuries, and cannot be extinguished with water. For this reason white phosphorus should never be used in civilian areas.” “He warned.

The photographs, taken by an AA photojournalist, were among the evidence documented by Amnesty International that the Israeli army used white phosphorus artillery shells in densely populated civilian areas of Gaza.

Human Rights Watch announced that Israel used white phosphorus in its military operations in Gaza and Lebanon.

“Israel used white phosphorus in its military operations in Gaza and Lebanon, putting civilians at risk of serious and long-term injury,” Human Rights Watch said in a statement. The statement has been included.

(Tags for translation) Israel

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