to be able to identify and treat

It’s the middle of winter, and many people are experiencing Symptoms of a permanent cold. A stuffy nose, constant sneezing and extremely dry skin are common symptoms this time of year, however, some people develop an allergic reaction specifically to cold air, called cold allergy or cold urticaria.

How to tell if you have cold allergies?

Probably one of them Development per 100,000 people This strong physical response to low temperatures. These people may develop rash, hives, swelling, fatigue, headache, wheezing, and difficulty breathing when exposed to cold.

Cold allergy is an immune system response to a variety of factors Allergens and Irritantscaused by the release of histamine in the body.

Symptoms of this allergy vary in severity, from rash to Low blood pressure or difficulty breathing. The rash usually appears soon after exposure to cold and lasts about two hours. However, some people may also have problems consuming cold foods.

This allergy can also be triggered by exposure to cold water on a hot day, exercise on a cold, windy day, and even drinking alcohol. Drink cold drinks in hot weather. Cold temperatures activate mast cells, leading to the release of histamine and inflammation in the body.

Cold allergy: what is it and how to treat it?

Cold allergy is a rare condition that usually appears during adolescence and affects both males and females.Diagnostic tests include cold stimulation, placing ice cubes in Forearm for a few minutes And watch for the appearance of hives or spots.

Treatment for this allergy usually involves the use of antihistamines to suppress the body’s response to cold and prevent rashes.It is also recommended to cover Full contact with body when leaving in cold temperatures and keep skin hydrated to reduce symptoms.

In more severe cases of cold urticaria, an EpiPen may be needed to prevent serious damage.Adrenaline injection via EpiPen helps shrink blood vessels, maintaining blood pressure and increases air flow to the lungs.

It’s important to distinguish cold allergies from the common cold because the symptoms can be similar. Although colds are caused by viruses, Usually lasts no more than two weekscold allergy symptoms will persist as long as you are exposed to low temperatures.

If you have ongoing symptoms while out in the cold, be sure to see your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and receive appropriate treatment Control the symptoms of this rare allergy.

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